Steem NOVA : The Fog of War of the Moon

Mistakes were made. No Moon was made.

Emperor's Log 2018154 : I regret spending late nights up drinking with the Nebularian twins already.

I woke up in the morning deciding to continue my daily activities of overseeing the growth of my system and alliance. To my surprise I had received a message of apology and offer of non-aggression from DarthGexe, formerly of Primera Orden. @DarthGexe said that the attacks on Logic Force were a mistake and he wished to mend relations by offering the alliance pact. I agreed to the alliance, even if one of the biggest contributors to the attack was still a part of the new Ultima Alianza.

Feeling good about the latest diplomacy and probably not thinking straight, I looked into the other pest of Primera Orden, @izolda. Seeing a lot of resources and a small fleet, I decided to take matters into my own hands and send part of my fleet in. @Amos811 saw that I was going and offered to send in a few ships as well. Setting the fleet on autopilot, I went and took a nap. Obviously this was a big mistake and due to the Fizzolian Whiskey fogging my judgement.


@izolda, who lost half of his support, called on @fifcior for assistance. This was not expected, because Primera Orden wasn't in an alliance pact with anyone. In fact, I didn't think anyone was friends them. But, I guess even the darkest soul has support from the Evil Empire.

@fifcior sent in an overwhelming force to take care of my small hazy mind attack. It was a crushing blow.

DeanLogic & Amos811 VS fifcior & izolda

Having rested and come back to see the disastrous auto-pilot mission report, I finally had clarity of mind to get back to business of commanding the Empire. I looked into replacing ships and opened communications with the rest of the alliance to explain what had happened.

While briefing my counterparts, I noticed a warning on command council of a large fleet heading towards my system. @mys, @sarmaticus and @desteemy had formed a large fleet to come at Logic Solaris.

A hostile Fleets (888 Light Fighter; 201 Cruiser; 100 Battleship; 30 Planet Bomber; 40 Star Fighter; 100 Battle Cruiser) from player mys [PM] from Planet Salusa Secundus [1:115:7] reached the Planet Logic Solaris [1:217:2]. Mission: Attack

A hostile Fleets (16 Light Fighter; 2 Heavy Fighter; 26 Cruiser; 83 Battleship; 10 Planet Bomber; 23 Star Fighter; 26 Battle Cruiser) from player desteemy [PM] from Planet Chankura [1:163:8] reached the Planet Logic Solaris [1:217:2]. Mission: ACS - Attack on cooperation

A hostile Fleets (140 Light Fighter; 1 Cruiser) from player desteemy [PM] from Planet KuCoin [1:280:8] reached the Planet Logic Solaris [1:217:2]. Mission: ACS - Attack on cooperation

A hostile Fleets (50 Light Fighter) from player sarmaticus [PM] from Planet Kolonia [1:253:6] reached the Planet Logic Solaris [1:217:2]. Mission: ACS - Attack on cooperation

Coming so quickly after my failed attack, at first I thought this could be a retaliation. However, it soon became obvious that this was an attempt at a Moon Shot. I checked my communications and noticed that I hadn't planned this, but the thought of getting a moon was intriguing.

Logic Solaris had already completed its purpose of creating enough energy to initiate Graviton Research. The 1,800 solar satellites were just burning light. Could this Moon Shot work? My fleet had earlier giving a much smaller member of Primera Orden a moon during a 2% chance, so with this large incoming fleet and all of my debris making items in orbit, this certainly would work.

So, I waited and waited and waited for the fleet to arrive. I moved off all the extra resources and my cargo ships. After the attacking fleet had sent probes, I removed the last of my remaining ships. Surely, the defenses of 500 missile launchers would be enough to cause a moon.

The attacker has won the battle!
He captures 18 Metal, 73 Crystal and 685 Deuterium

The attackers losses: 587.000 units
The defenders losses: 5.595.000 units
At the coordinates are now: 131.400 Metal and 1.130.700 Crystaldebris.

Moon Chance: 13 %

No Moon!!

What a disappointment.
~End Log

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