Steem Monsters Trading by @cryptoeater

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Steem Monsters Trading

Hey guys! @cryptoeater here and I’ve been invited to talk a bit about my experiences trading on Steem Monsters.

Trading Cards on the Blockchain

Firstly, how does it all work? Well, Steem Monsters now has the feature to gift users cards! This essentially just means our cards can be traded, and that our cards are OURS, and we can do whatever we want with them! Send it to @null if you want! This is done through editing our JSON data which allows cards to be traded between other cards, or sold for Steem of SBD between players!

My Trading Experience

I like trading, I like card games, I like the market, thus trading Steem Monsters cards was an inevitability for me. However, what I didn't anticipate was how profitable (it first was) and how addicted I became.

Day one - opening packs

I bought 20 packs at the start, got gifted 5 from @aggroed for some nice suggestions (you know how you can click outside of the card to exit instead of JUST that little "x"?? That was my suggestion amongst many others!) and got 5 epics and 0 legendaries from those 25 packs. Mathematically, this was TERRIBLE luck. I was content with this terrible luck for a few days and didn't buy anything more, especially since Steem prices were tanking and it costed more Steem/SBD then compared to when I first started.

A few days later

I wake up, check Discord and see that TRADING had been announced! This is where the story really begins.

I quickly hopped on my laptop and began scouting the markets (on the Discord), there wasn't much action, a lot of buyers and not many sellers. I did some maths, and at this rate buying and opening packs would yield massive profits statistically, so it's like gambling, where YOU have the edge! I thought to myself, fuck it let's buy some more packs! 20 more packs, $40 dollars more down the drain and still no legendary??? Considering legendaries were at 1.1% each (1% + 0.1% presale bonus), there was only an 8.3% chance where opening 45 packs would not yield a single legendary. Angry, I bought more and more packs until finally, at my 56th pack I revealed my first legendary. What do I do with it? Sell it of course! (Feel free to check out the post here!!

I soon open a couple more legendaries and my Steem Monsters MANIA was in full swing.

Steem Monsters Community

This was when I first started getting involed in the community! Chatting, trading and discussing Steem Monsters on the Discord. I've had my Steemit Discord for months (I only use this Discord account for Steemit related stuff), and had PMed 14 people before Steem Monsters, I just counted! In the short days played Steem Monsters, I've talked to 25 individuals, many just for trading, but many others who I felt we bonded with a bit and started talking about other stuff, you know who you are ;)

Actual Trading Experience + Market

So, interested in how much your cards are worth? Look no further, or keep looking because honestly, I have no fucking clue.

I, like you, am just testing the waters. I've had so many people come to me asking for the price, but honestly I'm new to this too! However, I will talk a bit about my personal history of selling cards, ripping others and myself off :)

It all started a few days ago, back when there was actually a nice spread between buyers and sellers.

I first sold 11 epics for 28SBD. This was the market price at the time, as others were selling them for around 3 Steem each, which was around 4 SBD each! I bought packs with the SBD I just earned and opened many more epics and 2 legendaries, I was on a roll! I would like to point out that I did NOT use a merchant for this trade, in fact to date I've traded over $2000 USD worth of cards with no merchant, sorry @alucare ;)

The markets soon turned sour though, as I started selling epics for 2.5 SBD, then 2 Steem (hoping people would think it's cheaper when it's actually more expensive haha), then 1.5 Steem, then 1 Steem, then 0.5 Steem, then 0.35Steem. Each time I made a transaction, the price per card was lower than the last time I made a transaction :(

However the market is alright now, and stabilizing at the rates I'll list below

I made a lot of trades, but I don't remember them all so I'll just tell you guys a few stories :D

When I ripped myself off, but not really HAHA

I sold all my epics (48 at the time) at 0.35 Steem, opened more packs and got 11 epics back + 5 legendaries with the packs I opened, I'd say it was quite worth because I got lucky, but honestly whoever bought those epics at 0.35 Steem got a MASSIVE bargain, since they're at 1 Steem again now haha

When I bought a shit ton of summoners

I forgot how many I've bought, but I'm sure I've spent over 100 SBD buying summoners HAHA
Here are all the rare summoners I have

Why I collect summoners

Speculation! A lot of people have asked me why I am hoarding summoners, it's basically just game sense. I feel like if they are literally summoners of monsters, they will be in very high demand. Especially if they are the ones who generate mana, and monsters cost mana, you'd want as much mana as possible!! This is just my personal opinion though.


  • Commons: 0.05 Steem
  • Rares: 0.25 Steem (summoners 0.50 Steem)
  • Epics: 1.00 Steem
  • Legendaries: 12 Steem (Selenia Sky 25 Steem)
  • With buy in bulk discounts :)
  • Contact me on cryptoeater#5209 on Discord if you're interested :)

Overall Experience

Overall I've had a great experience. The community is great, excited and very actively involved in Steem Monsters. I have never been scammed, because people value their Steemit reputation far more than a few Steem, which is understandable. Everyone is friendly in the Discord and share the same enthusiasm for the project! Honestly, I just love how much community support and involvement is behind this project, and almost everything here on Steemit in general haha

Good luck to everyone in there quest to get some legendaries ;)

And remember, for cheap cards PM me on Discord c:

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