Steem Monsters Facebook & Telegram Update!

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Hello everyone! I hope you all have had a great week! I am here giving you some Steem Monsters Facebook and new Super Group Steem Monsters Telegram and their weekly updates! Steem Monsters Tournaments are also underway and so many people are winning money and prizes! You should definitely check out one today! There is a tournament calendar right here to view the schedule: Here are a few charts showing you how many people follow Steem Monsters on Facebook and Telegram, etc. See you all next week with more updates!

For the new Steem Monsters Super Group on Telegram:
Screenshot 2019-02-09 20.26.37.jpg

The Steem Monsters Facebook Group:
Screenshot 2019-02-09 20.47.45.jpg

Screenshot 2019-02-09 20.13.29.jpg

Screenshot 2019-02-09 20.18.12.jpg

Screenshot 2019-02-09 20.18.35.jpg

Screenshot 2019-02-09 20.18.57.jpg

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Steem Monsters Discord HERE

Facebook GroupHERE

Steem Monsters Official Facebook Page HERE

Steem Monsters Official Telegram HERE

My IG - Steemmonstergirl HERE

Steem Monsters HERE

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May the Monsters be with you.

Chris Love @clove71
Steem Monsters Rep.

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