Kickstarter Update / Plans for Fundition Campaign & Beta Edition

We had an amazing start to our Kickstarter Campaign, reaching over 70% of our goal in just a couple of days! We owe that mostly to the Steem community and we cannot even begin to express our gratitude for all of your support.

Getting that last 30% is going to be much harder though, and we need your help with that too! Tell your friends, tell your family, post it on social media, or anything else that can help get the word out. Reaching our goal will be a huge help with funding ongoing development of the game, and if we hit our stretch / backer goals that will mean more rewards for everyone! This is great for the game and it's also great for the Steem community to have projects successfully funded on a public platform.


We plan to also run a fundraising campaign on Fundition alongside of our Kickstarter campaign for anyone who would like to contribute using cryptocurrency instead of USD.

We have waited a bit to start this up and announce details about it because we wanted to encourage people to back us on Kickstarter first if they could (since we won't receive any funding if we don't reach our goal) and we also needed some time to figure out how Fundition works and how we can offer and organize the rewards there.

We believe we have a good plan for this in place now and we hope to have something up on Fundition on or before next Wednesday, 9/12. The Fundition/crypto campaign will offer the same reward tiers and price points that are currently available on the Kickstarter right now:

  • Monster Gladiator ($25, alpha packs, limit 100)
  • Monster Recruit ($50, alpha packs, limit 25)
  • Monster Trainer ($200, alpha packs, limit 50)
  • Monster Master ($800, alpha packs ,limit 20)
  • Monster Manager ($1250, alpha Packs, limit 20)
  • You are Legendary ($1500, alpha packs, combined KS/Fun limit of 5)
  • Boss Fight Boss ($2900, alpha packs, combined KS/FUN limit of 4)
  • Monster Hodler (10,000, alpha packs, combined KS/FUN limit of 5)

If any of these reward tiers sell out (exluding the last three tiers), they will still be available for purchase however they will come with Beta edition booster packs instead of Alpha.

We will manually update the post on a regular basis to indicate the amount of each reward tier that is still available since Fundition does not currently offer a way to automatically track rewards for contributions.

Alpha Artifact

Some of you may notice that the funding tier including the "Alpha Artifact" is missing. What we thought was a cool addition turned out to be a source of contention. Feedback from the community and from our early supporters is extremely important to us so we've decided to remove that as an option for purchase from both the Fundition and Kickstarter campaigns and won't be including it going forward.

Alpha Edition Packs Remaining

Speaking of community feedback, we have also heard your concerns about inflation of Alpha edition cards from the packs offered from the Kickstarter and upcoming Fundition campaigns.

We want to stick to the limit of 300,000 total Alpha edition booster packs that we initially set, so we are going to count the Alpha packs to be given out from any Kickstarter or Fundition rewards as part of that total.

That means that every time someone contributes on one of the crowdfunding sites, the amount of Alpha packs they will receive once the campaigns end will be deducted from the total amount remaining shown on the website.

At the time of posting, the Kickstarter backers are scheduled to receive 8,680 Alpha booster packs.

Additionally, it has come to our attention that the amount of Alpha edition booster packs remaining for sale on the website does not include "bonus" packs given out with purchases of 100 or more packs. At the time of writing that amounts to 11,805 packs.

That means that there are approximately 20,000 fewer Alpha edition packs available than what is currently shown on the website. We will be updating the website over the next few days to show the correct number of packs remaining, but we wanted to give everyone a heads-up about that here first so it isn't a surprise when the number suddenly drops.

The result of all of this is that there will only ever be a total of 300,000 Alpha edition Steem Monsters booster packs in existence, period.

Beta Edition

Alright, so hopefully we're clear on the status of the Alpha edition packs, now let's talk about what comes next.

The Beta edition packs will contain the same 59 cards as the Alpha edition, plus some new Summoners and new, neutral Monsters. There will be one new Summoner for each of the five elemental splinters (the Dragon splinter is already getting a new Summoner in the KS/Fundition campaigns).

The neutral monsters will not be part of any specific splinter, meaning that they can be summoned by any Summoner. They will have standard rarities (common, rare, epic, legendary) with the same drop rates by rarity, and they will come in regular and gold foil variants.

Beta edition cards will also have new card frame art so that they are easily distinguishable from Alpha edition cards. The graphics for the Monsters and Summoners within the frame will remain the same however. If Alpha and Beta edition cards are combined, the card frame art will reflect the type of card that comprises the majority of the XP of the combined card.

Card XP Scaling

When the Beta edition is released, we plan to scale up the XP by a factor of 10 for all of the cards in order to allow for smaller amounts of XP to be given out through gameplay.

Currently, a max level common card requires 756 XP, and each individual common card is worth 2 XP when combining. With the scaling, a max level common card will require 7,560 XP, and each individual common card will be worth 20 XP when combining.

We want to be very clear that the number of Alpha edition cards required to combine to reach each level will not change. This means that the numbers on the level charts (shown below) will not change.

Beta Edition Card XP

We plan for Beta edition cards to be worth less XP when combining than their Alpha edition counterparts. This means that it will require combining more Beta edition cards to reach each level than it does for Alpha edition cards. This will give Alpha edition cards some additional value (beyond just being rare and cool) without affecting gameplay.

Credit Card Payments

Lastly, our original credit card processor has unfortunately disabled our account meaning we are currently unable to accept payments in USD. We're working to integrate with a new provider as soon as possible and will provide an update as soon as that is ready.


We have a level 1 bossfight ongoing for the kickstarter campaign. We're looking to add 10 more people between now and Sunday to the Kickstarter campaign. Doing so will unlock $10 daily tournaments (paid in steem/sbd). To contribute please head over to our kickstarter page, pledge and leave a favorable comment while you're at it!

Click Here to Visit the Steem Monsters Kickstarter and Become a Backer!!!

Thank you for your continued support!

Steem Monsters Contact Info

Official Account: @steemmonsters

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