0-2000 Rating in ONE DAY! Bronze Leaderboard Run Update!

Heyaaaaa! :D

Name's @quickdrawchev AKA The Furious Chicken!

Today, I wanna share an update about my self-imposed challenge to get to the Bronze Leaderboard!

I started this challenge yesterday after I bought a new account.
Made a vid about it here.

After a day and 30 DEC rental, I got to 2000 rating! Noice!

The meta in bronze is soooo different from silver where I mostly play lol
Luckily, I got the hang of it and still made progress.

I learned what to drop and what to keep from the cards I rented to day.

For more in depth convo about the lineups, meta and other stuff I encountered, check it out here!

and here's a TLDR incase you don't have time for my vid lol

Mylor Stack
Don't Rent Llama/Kron/Flesh Golem
Harklaw Supremacy
Kelya DOESN'T work... on Bronze.
Life Magic FTW

That's it for me today!

We'll be back with a different topic next post!
It's gonna be super awesome! Please follow me if you're interested!

Thanks so much!

Chev, out~

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