Don't make deals in your dreams

Twisted Jester_gold.png

This serves as a warning to those it may apply to, last fall something inexplicable happened to me. I suppose I should introduce myself, my name is David, and I formerly worked in a circus as a jester. While I never enjoyed clowning around, my father before me had done the same. It payed decent enough, and I didn't have anything else career wise going for me, besides I had a family to feed. My daily routine was dull and dreary, consisting of waking up early, followed by coffee, leaving before my family woke up, and caking my face in makeup. I did all this, working late everyday, I missed the birthdays, the adventures, even the bedtimes of my kids. All for what? Just to entertain bigger fools then myself, to create memories for other people's families while neglecting my own. When I finally did get home in the night, there was no pleasure awaiting me there as my wife was usually too tired for much of anything. my only consolation then being a cold beer, oh how I'd wallow in the liquor, what can I say? I was comfortably numb. This and the knowledge of my family's financial security was all I took comfort in, it's what drove me all those years.

And then... the dreams started to come. I remember when I was little I used to have vivid dreams, the kind that leave you stunned in beauty, terror, or both. Riding the backs of enormous unspeakable creatures, traveling to space, being chased through the woods by pale hungry creatures. Somewhere along the way however they had all stopped inexplicably, and they slunk to the back of my mind, not to be thought of for decades as life got in the way. Well the night of my 40th birthday they came back.

I was walking through the street of my old neighbourhood, the sun was shining through puffy clouds and everything was as I remembered it. Well almost everything, I noticed a tall dark house on the corner with its windows draped shut... the door was wide open. Curiosity got the better of me and I unconsciously made my way towards it, stopping to knock I called out

"Is anyone there?"

There was no answer so I entered anyways. Inside was a hearty living room, a fire laid in the hearth still blazing, next to it was two chairs facing each other, a table between them. That's when I noticed a dark silhouette.

"David. Come sit, we have much to chat about."

His voice was forceful yet soothing, charming to say the least. Compelled I walked over and sat down opposite of him. He was a middle aged man dressed in a black suit with a red tie, his eyes had a certain blue to them, youthful, but wise. His face had no warmth and he remained static with a straight face.

"Now I'm sure you have many questions, but we don't have much time tonight so allow me to give you an offer for you to consider throughout your day, and tomorrow I'll answer what you wish to know when you give me your decision."

Stunned I allowed him to continue as he cleared his throat before proceeding

" As you and I both know, you're a hard worker, but your rewards you are getting currently don't match the effort I've seen you put in, those imbeciles at the circus treat you like shit... fact is most people are like that, I'm offering you a job that pays top dollar, 4 days off a week, and you'll be the boss of the circus.. under me of course. To give you context you'll be making more then double your current pay, for less then half the work, I only ask you of one thing"

Hesitant I took my time to ask " what is it?"

Wasting no time the man replied " For me to grant you more power, more time, and more money I require your permission to sacrifice 3 random humans of my choice."

Leaning in he exclaimed excitedly " 3 people for 3 favours, and most likely you won't even know them"

Looking down at his watch the man muttered "jesus" under his breath followed by, "we will follow up tomorrow for your answer."

And with that I woke up to my alarm, my wife still sound asleep next to me. Groaning I rolled out of bed and went through my daily routine, the dream encompassed my mind and distracted me all day, I knew my performance was sloppier then usual, I guess my bosses noticed too as he snapped and ridiculed me in front of the crowd, his tone was joking but his intentions said otherwise. When I finally got home I went to the fridge and chose the usual before heading to bed.

It was raining, I mean pissing rain, and I was back on my old street, to my left was the dark house, I drew near seeking shelter. When I entered, the fire was crackling with satisfying pops and hisses of wet wood drying up. I assumed the chair and was promptly greeted.

"Welcome back David, did you have time to consider my offer?"

Thought about it I had, I hated my life, and this mans offer truly tempted me. I knew it was wrong, to have 3 killed for my happiness, but then I thought of my family, my wife and 2 kids, and me added with them is 4, 4 people's happiness over 3 strangers lives. For all I knew the strangers were all murderers anyways. I decided to oblige the offer, figuring it was only a dream anyways

" I accept your terms, when do we start?"

Cackling insanely he managed to choke out "right away" before the man stood up towering over me, his face started to change, his ears were pointed, his eyes grew black. His smile was an eerie grin, and then there was nothing.

I woke up the next day cold and sweaty, I turned my alarm off and paused when I realized my wife wasn't beside me. Looking for an explanation I convinced myself she must be making coffee or something. After getting dressed I went to open the door but failed when it thumped against an object, panicking I slammed into it and sprawled face first into a red puddle on the floor. My wife and 2 kids lay there with me.... dead.

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