DaRhainer - Introduction - #FromStarterToChampian

Hello fellow Steemians and Steem Monster players.

This is my first post on this new account, which will be used for Steem Monsters.
Make sure to check out my main account @cyrilon. I might be doing booster pack giveaways sometime soon.
For those who don't know what Steem Monsters is, it is a digital trading card strategy game built on the Steem blockchain.
You can have a look at the games rule's by going to Steem Monsters and selecting Battle and then How To Play.

For those that have played before, season 3 started recently with a few changes -

  • In the Battle menu they have chosen to add the leaderbored instead or being next to the battle menu option.
  • They have also made it so when you get into a battle you have a time limit to select your team and you mana changes every game aswell.

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Daily Quest

These are the cards I got from the daily quest. Im happy with how it turned out, receiving 2 summoners plus another rare.

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Why this new account?

I have gotten a new account for steem for #FromStarterToChampion challenge I'm doing with my brother @kiokizz and anyone else who wants to join.
If you want to join us in this challenge all you need is to sign up for Steem Monsters and buy only the starter pack, adding to your collection with quest packs only, and buying and selling without adding additional funds. All we want you to do is to share your progress every few days in #FromStarterToChampian.

Thanks for having a look:)


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