I can't HODL much of anything else, but I can HODL Steem Monsters!

I've never been much for holding on to any specific crypto, just because I enjoy trading them so much I think. Sure, it has cost me a significant amount of money to do it, but it's been an enjoyable learning experience that has taught me many things over a very short time. If I were to calculate the value of information I have gotten out of it versus the amount of money I spent, I would say I came out on top.

Since I learned so many of my lessons the hard way already, by selling things that went up 2-3x where they were when I bought them, I have since learned the true value of what it really means to HODL. Lucky for me, this was right about the time that I first learned about Steem Monsters. Unfortunately it wasn't at that exact moment, because I did sell some pretty sweet cards for waaayyy too cheap.

It happens. We live and we learn. So, what did I really learn before that made me want to hold on to my Steem Monsters as long as possible? I learned to never doubt my instincts. Almost every single time I have bought something for whatever reason I had come up with at the time, I end up selling it (usually for less than I bought it for).

Just to be clear, everything I have sold has not come at a complete loss, I was able to make some profits on some of the cryptocurrencies I've recently traded. I made almost 300% one night during the first big KEY moon on Binance. At the time I had bought about $15 and when I woke up it had sold (at too low of a price to be honest) but I had made about $45.00. I then had about $60 on Binance to trade and play with so I ended up buying some STEEM and some Bitshares and have since done several other swaps/transactions.

You might be wondering by now, what the heck all of this has to do with Steem Monsters. I'll get straight to the point now so you can relax, it'll all be over soon and you can go back to the Steem Monsters market with glazed over eyeballs, waiting for someone to put up a cheap card for sale. :)

Okay. Here's the point I was getting at. First off, if you believe in something, you should always stick with it. No matter how hard your beliefs can make your life, if you don't follow through, then they aren't really beliefs to begin with. What makes your beliefs any more special than anyone else's? They're yours. It's up to you what you want to believe and how willing you are to create a life for yourself based on those said beliefs. If you think that you are destined to be a failure, then you almost guaranteed are going to end up failing at everything you ever do.

BE A WINNER. Don't just be a winner. Believe you are a winner. Some people would say (and believe) that's what separates those who continue to fail, from those who win. If you do the things you need to do to prove to yourself that your beliefs are indeed your reality then you have successfully molded your own reality.

All it takes is the determination to carry on, remember why you are doing what you're doing. There is almost always a reason for the things we choose to do. Pay attention to those reasons, listening to your own intuition is by far the best advice I've ever been given. My intuition about pretty much everything I have spoken about involving Steem Monsters has (so far) been pretty on point. Not that I am perfect or some kind of oracle, but I do have faith in my judgement and my own ability to spot upcoming trends.

Hence, my reasoning for investing virtually everything I own into Steem Monsters, mainly the gold foil ones. I believe the value of those specific cards will end up tremendously higher than it is now, or has ever been in the past.

If you know anything about card games (specifically Magic the Gathering and similar games), or if you know anything about what it means to be First Edition, then you probably know that the prices of these cards right now are considerably lower than they ought to be, when one is to look at the amount of them actually available in existence, you will see that many of them have less than 100 currently even available, in the world.

The game hasn't even launched and people are already starting to combine their cards, once this happens on a large scale the amount of actual cards in existence will be divided into very small fractions in comparison to what's available right now. In my humble opinion, you will be pretty damn lucky to find any alpha gold cards on the market at all for less than $20 (Including Alpha Gold Commons)

When you consider the scarcity, the amount of people who want to play this game, and the amount of money you can make with these cards.. Is there a price too high? I mean seriously, if you can use these cards passively every single day, either just playing a game which is mostly automated, or delegating your cards to other players who are willing to pay you just to be able to battle with them, what more could a person ask for?

Owning Steem Monsters (especially maxed cards) whether gold foil or regular, will potentially make anyone who owns them hundreds, if not thousands of dollars per month! It's true! I'm not just crazy! You can check for yourself, the tournament prizes are quite high and will be continually happening, forever! As long as people still play Steem Monsters (which, why wouldn't you?)..

I could go on forever about how amazing of an opportunity this is and has been for those of us who were able to get in early. Owning a few of these cards has made me happier than any amount of STEEM being in my wallet.

As a true sign of my faith in Steem Monsters, the current price of STEEM is incredibly low right now! If I were to sell all of my FIRST EDITION ALPHA GOLD CARDS right now I could end up with quite a bit more money out of it in the long run in terms of what the STEEM will be worth later as I believe it is destined to go up much higher than it is now. But, I'm not going to sell my cards for STEEM. Even if I did and kept all of it until it was worth $4-5 each, I still think my monsters that I have now would have far surpassed that.

Maybe I am overly optimistic when I talk about what's going to happen to market prices with these cards, but to be truthful, I don't believe that I am. I think all of us who have kept our faith and held our cards will be very happy we did, those of us who aren't happy already. (not sure who that would be)

Anyways, I know this post is way too long for most of your attention spans. So, I'll just end it here and pretend like I don't have another 5 miles worth of things to say about Steem Monsters. Resteem this post, let me know in the comments. Tell me why you HODL your Steem Monsters, I'm going to give out Steem Monsters at random!

Ciao for now.

Your favorite human.


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