Community Empowerment #6

Hello everyone ,
This is your Fellow ๐Ÿฆ & Steemian Cryptotash101 With some empowerment for the Community!

โœ…(*) - (WINNER OF Community Empowerment #5) is @gregory-f

โ€œWhen I first joined the Steemit community, it was just to make some money mining Steem. Blogging didn't really appeal to me much, but with a little stake from mining I figured I could try making a little extra money by curating.

Then @dan dropped the bomb that curating was only for whales and little fish like me would never make any money at it and we should only concentrate on producing quality content that he and the other whales could ignore while they upvoted their friends. Oh and they discontinued Steem mining also. So I pretty much lost interest.

Last year, they changed to linear rewards and small stake holders could finally see a little return on their efforts. I got interested again and more active and started making some friends and getting involved in some communities. Now I'm heavily into Steem Monsters and really enjoying it.

I guess that's ultimately what I want to achieve in Steemit, to be involved in a community and have fun doing it. Oh, and earn some free Steem Monsters Booster Packs when I can.โ€

๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ(Community Empowerment #6)๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ

๐Ÿฆ(If you could build a Decentralized Application (DAPP) on top of the Steem Blockchain what would it be ?)


This is actually a personal goal of mine , Once I Learn a little bit more about developing on top of the Steem Blockchain & Surround myself with a great team I want to build a Virtual Reality World with endless possibilities on top of this Blockchain. Giving the power and Governance back to the PEOPLE ๐Ÿฆ

Letโ€™s Exchange Steem Momsters Cards for Information and grow together through Mutual interests & Collective brainstorming


#Leaveacomment Stating what DAPP you would create #

(I will choose one Comment around 24 hour from which this content was posted , that will be granted (1) Rare Beta

Simply leave a comment and become eligible to win (1) Free Steem Monsters Card ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿš€


Let your voice be heard and become apart of a new era of Cryptocurrency , whether youโ€™re a Crypto Vet or the Crypto Newbie letโ€™s stay 2 steps ahead of the herd and build whatever we imagine as a collective through mutual interests & collective brainstorming.

Check in with our Community Tour Guide to win additional Steem Monster Cards : @larrythelion

The Building of a new era Starts in the Den .

Thanks for your time I canโ€™t wait to see you there .

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