My First Steem Booster Opening (100 Beta Packs), and an Epic Giveaway

I always envied those with money for Games.

Then one day I became one of them. So I decided to try my luck at 100 beta booster packs with both Brilliant Legendary and Brilliant Alchemy Active.

My initial costs

One thing that I found extremely interesting was the fact that I could buy the beta booster packs cheaper on the Steem Engine exchange. To any new player looking to buy packs I would definitely recommend this Route. I would not even known about it if another player: @cryptoeater did not mention it.

Doing this allowed me to buy 100 booster packs for $1.73 each compared to the $2 on the website. Getting almost 15% discount on the price, which beats the 7.5% bonus even at a 500 Pack purchase.

I also paid about $45 for the DEC needed to activate both Brilliant Alchemy and Brilliant Legendary potions, bringing my total investment up to $221.

I reasoned that if I will open 100 booster packs It would be best to have both Potions active, as they "Stack". Which improves my per card odds.

I am sure I would be able to drop that price even more, but I was starting to get impatient.

Going forward I will try and get the boosters slightly cheaper while also trying to earn my DEC in Tournaments or regular play. I really only want to sell excess Gold Cards and try and grow my collection for now.

So before I started to open packs my Peak Monsters Account was valued at:
$ 20.07

I am still young I know, or at least I was.

So lets get started,

My very First Booster pack actually gave me a Prince Rennyn, So immediately I am $12 closer to having my investment returned. But lets not Jynx it.

The rest of the opening went extremely well.

The Holy Grail

My best card opened by far was a Gold Legendary Summoner:
Foil Valnamor.png

Now I could essentially try and sell just that card and pay for this whole venture of mine, but then I saw the Circulating supply and grew territorial... I will probably not open another one of these any time soon, Even though I never really cared about foil cards in Magic. I would rather have 4 Normals than 1 Foil. But I feel Steem Monsters will be a bit different.

Even if I really want one of those 2 star Promo Dragons... I feel that card will have eternal value on here.

Regardless, I will leave that on my wishlist for later.

Gold Cards

I opened the following Gold Cards

I also just noticed now, I really like the fact that Gold cards come already leveled. Which really helped me.

I opened the following Legendaries (Minus the Chromatic Dragon which I already Owned).

That brings my pack opening to:
Gold Legendaries opened: 1
Legendaries opened: 5
Gold Cards opened: 14

So after opening 100 booster packs, my peak monsters profile showed:

$ 458.83 using List Prices // $ 282.93 using Bids Prices // $ 390.56 using Market Prices // 137,085 DEC

This seems to have been a really good opening, especially considering that many cards might increase in value. I will also be able to perform much better since my cards will be more leveled for my league.

In the future I will change my opening formats up a bit, maybe even do some video, but its 6 in the morning, I actually started waking up at 5 this morning wanting to do this.

And Finally, the giveaway,

I had a really great opening, but my collection is still quite limited, so I cannot go too wild with giveaways just yet.

In order to be eligible, Just reply with: I want that card and give your Steem Monsters Username.
I will do the Draw in 24 hours from time of post.

The card I am giving away is:

I hope to do some more pack openings as well as givaways in the future.

For the rest of the day I am grinding away the last day of the season for hopefully some better rewards.
Maybe Diamond?? One can hope...

Interested in Crypto Gaming content? Especially focused on Investing / Earning, consider following me.

Enjoy the Weekend, Cryptic Gamer

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