SteemLink updates (social sharing,tip/donate link,bug fixes)

I ended up staying up till about 4am trying to fix a display bug, admitted defeat and went to bed without pushing the updates - after some sleep the bug was really obvious (fixed!).

Todays updates [12pm 14/4]:

  • Social media sharing icons for twitter,g+,facebook,linkedin,whatsap (current sharing the version of the current post)
  • "Tip author for this content" link (currently lands on the transfer page with pre-filled fields : example)
  • Steemlink configuration options have been put into an array for tidier display and more logical naming
  • Fixed bug where resteemed posts are meant to be disabled, but a user has only resteemed recently - will now look skip resteems and continue to look for posts from the author
  • Fixed display bug for usernames that have no profile information in their json_metadata (certain bot and early users)
  • More consistent loading animation whilst waiting for API calls, with new loader(handle) function
  • Preparation of functions for browsing by topic/tag (/sort/topicname,/sort/@username/topicname available soon)
    (Waiting for steemdata api update from furion so we can efficiently load posts in a category from only a specific username)
  • Fixed bug with routing when loading another users profile

Not the most exciting batch of updates this time, but I'm slowly working my way through my "must-have" feature set.

I'm also preparing to split this project into 2 components to make it easier for users to keep updated as well as customize the the site for their own purposes (and not have those changes wiped on update).
Once split, the current repo will remain as a simple to copy example implementation (install instructions will stay the same) , and the core logic and styling will be moved to this steemlink repo.

This will allow users to install once, and have all future update automatically applied :)
This model wil also allow for an even lighter-weight "widget" type install for users wanting simple integration with their existing site.

Please let me know if you have any feature requests, or find any bugs!

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