First step of investing - self assessment.



I see most of people write about Steem, Crypto, HODLing and all the other related stuff that comes with crypto investment.

Most things are ok, but a lot are just main stream platitudes. No critic here, as sometimes there are gems hidden under a post on why to hodl or buy Steem. We are all here because we believe in Steem and try to make it better, imho.

I want to see also some basics on investments, like pure real basics that everyone can benefit. I think if you want to change something in the world, be the change.

So this post will be the most basic thing on investment. You may say what could it be? Invest in bonds, save on some account or maybe stocks or directly crypto.

None of those. Most basic thing which one shall do is the self assessment before anything else.

Why? Because only like this you can see your real value and what you are doing with the money.

It is not complicated, start with what you think that you are spending a month on food, housing, clothes, car and entertainment on one side. Also on the other side write your monthly investments. Don't worry if there is nothing there because 95% don't have anything there written.

Now write all the value of all your belongings, like crypto, money in the bank, real estate, jewelry, precious metals, shares, bonds and art. Most of this contain some kind of value. Cars only if they are collector items. Here if you have roughly over 3500 € you are on the 50% rich side of the world.

Now asses your debt. How much debt you carry with you. If all your belongings are higher than your debt, you are doing more than fine. Is the debt producing value, it is even better.

This was the first step. Now to be more accurate, track for the next month every income and every expenditure to see where you really are. Use an app, but I would recommend a small notebook and a pen. You will visualize it better.

After one month compare it to what you have been thinking. It shall and mostly it will be massively different.

This shall be the first stage of you creating wealth and investments. Being conscious about your spending habits and where your money goes. Only by doing this every month you will gain at least 10% more on average. So start with the self assessment.


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