Tried out Steem Knights // Some thoughts


A new game launched on STEEM today and i wanted to give it a go.

So far STEEM has a mediocre record when it comes to games. Steem Monsters being the only game you could call a success while NextColony and DrugWars were disappointments. One more then the other.

Looking at Steem Knights i can say it has promise. Probably more promise then any of the previous games.
Its fun, its 3D and it runs pretty smoothly.

Even though the game looks like Chess, its closer to Checkers crossed with Rock/Paper/scissors.

The movement is only back and forth/left and right and there is some tactic involved. Its all pretty easy to understand meaning you can jump right into the game just like with Steem Monsters. THATS A HUGE PLUS. For example: Nextcolony takes months of literally doing nothing to get your account to a playable level which makes it extremely tedious and boring.

This game is fun right off the bat.


The biggest problem i see with this game is its economy.
From what i can read on their page you will be earning money 2 ways...

  1. Betting on the outcome of your game.
  2. Earning from the collective reward pool similarly to what Drug Wars did.

Why do i think thats a problem???

For one i dont think there is enough people willing to bet on their games and they have no other earning proposition available outside the collective reward pool.
I hardly trust in the sustainability of collective reward pools in games like this.

If the game takes off youll probably see a few wealthier accounts drop a few bets but over time the reward pool will simply drain away.

Steem Monsters was a success because it created a item economy.
You hold something that has utility and value.
If i buy a card today, i know i can use it, sell it, hodl it, rent it.... etc.

Any game that depends on gambling i dont see as having a bright future on the STEEM blockchain. Betting has never really taken off here.

For that reason im hoping for them to expand on their game and introduce an item economy.

How they could do it, right now, i dont know.
The simplest idea i can come up with would require them to revamp the rock/paper/scissors mechanic into a more robust one and make each unit a "tradeable" item that can be leveled. That would take a lot of time and work though.

Right now, as it stands, the game seems fun but ill hardly go back to it and spend much time when i can spend time in Steem Monsters to build up my rank, earn a few STEEM, collect cards etc...

Great to see new games and development happening and i wish the Steem knights team luck but i still remain skeptical about any game whose economy depends on betting and a shared reward pool.

A few thoughts as always...

Ill see ya.

Steem link: @steemknights
Website Link:

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