Steemjet Development Team Review, analysis on discord management and web server host and Proposed Budget Plan


This post is going to be on the review of progrees in the development so far and our budget plans, assessment and what we can do to improve the project - steemjet. I spend most of my time on my computer running codes for our discord server, mostly the bots cause that's where my attention focuses more so I barely do have time to do some review weekly but I needed to take time out to give a review of what has been going on so far on steemjet discord server and the progress we've made so far on our web server.

Firstly,I would like to outline our major core developers and team-mates who have helped in the development and technical team so far and we have the likes of @yhaulez, @kilatunzii, @einstei and @afolwalex who joined the squad of recent and I believe he's a valid asset to the team with his knowledge on programming. I may seem weary but I do make sure that everyone on the technical and development team is up to the task cause mistakes are not permitted in this part of the work. We are the backbone of steemjet and we will need to take the project, steemjet foward.

Very well, as you can see from the image above, that's the outlook of our discord server and I've been able to include about four bots and two which i do manage from time to time and this two are steem bot and crypto bot. Those are the most important bots cause they will be required to carry out steem related tasks and bring about mass adoption of steem. The bots were originally developed by @justyy, one of my mentors development wise and I'm grateful to him for helping out.

For some weeks now, we've been able to divide each member on the discord group into their specific space force role and this role has their own tags with seperate colors given to them for identity purpose, I would really love if @dimimp could come see the discord server for himself to see the great improvement but nevertheless, I did screen grab the server roles data so as to present it as part of the review.


The roles were specified into 7 roles plus another role which is project developers and this is so we have administrative access to correct and write any category or role needed in the discord channel. The discord server is well developed and what's left will be our upvote bot which will require the use of a web server host and this is where we really need to work on...

Now for those of you that might not know what a web server host is, I will explain in details what a web server host is.

What is a web server host

A web host, or web hosting service provider, is a business that provides the technologies and services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed in the Internet. Websites are hosted, or stored, on special computers called servers. ... If you do not have a domain, the hosting companies will help you purchase one.

So without the web server host, we basically cannot run our codes on anything, we either rent a web server or we buy one. I've been renting a web server so far so good but I'm all out of cash now and we might need help, that's one of the reasons for our budget which I will be listing out soon.

Getting a web server is a start, knowing what to do is another thing that's why I have only the right set of people on steemjet development team to carry out this task as I said earlier on.

The web server which is needed to carry out the activities of the upvote bots on our discord server is paramount and I already have Xammpl installed and running on my system and that's what i use in running the commands on the bots.

This is an overview of Xammpl used in running the servers.


After activating both apache and mysql on xammpl and they are both running, I modify my system into a server host for running the commands on SQL.

Here's an overview of SQL working on localhost:8080


Xammpl serves as a control panel in running the commands but all this is yet insufficient enough because we no longer have the funds to rent a web server for steemjet and prior to discord server management, we will need a steemjet upvote bot which he hope to realize soon enough...

This is just a breakdown of our work so far.

Budget Proposal For Steemjet

Given we have reviewed the work we do on ghe development team, its safe to say we need a budget plan. I just shortlisted an overview of the activities we run everyday on steemjet to ensure we play our part.

Off lately, I've discovered that members of the development team lack the gears and funds to carry out their task. I very much know that they are up to the task but its quite unfortunate that we lack good computers (pc or laptop) to work with. This is really a slack behind and we hope @dimimp can see into this but I'll quickly make a list of what we need to carry out our activities effieciently on steemjet.


I decided to brake our needs down for further assessment.

• pc [4] and discord management - 1200 steem
• web server host - 500 steem
• amount needee to pay IPFS developers as they are very rare and we will need them with our expertise - 500 steem.
• website - 300 steem (we have already started so this cost was reduced to 300)
• Total - 2500 steem

We might also require to help others get a smartphone to use as such to bring about mass steem adoption by the youths... So this will require a giveaway rally which we are willing to carry out to help others and this would require 500 steem to run... But we can always do this anytime so it can be added to the budget to help others.

Thanks @dimimp,

" steemjet » on the wings of superstars, we are words and steem"

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