Congratulations Finally We Launched Our Bot:

Sir @dimimp Bot is Working Fine Need some Necessary urgent.

Sir @dimimp I am @einstei1 the owner of bot we already tested the bot it is working fine
I wanna inform you about some needs and they are urgents to run the bot

  • we need more steem power in our steemjetdiscord account so we upvote a maximum range of peoples
  • The bot name is SteemJET
  • We need steem to connect the bot with host server so it work 24 hors
  • As above i told you bot is already tested, for your kind information it is tested on local sever (computer system) not on host server
  • I need a standard laptop to install the software in the laptop so it work good (i have no laptop or system the bot is designed on my university's (computer system which i barrow for some days)
  • I installed a database system in a bot so every user must verify the account first by sending 0.002 steem to the account ( this process is just once ) it save your data when you send the amount)
  • I set the upvoting power of bot by using command $setUpvoteValue 50 (for 50% it can type just me mean owner of the bot) this process is once when you start bot if you not set the value it is default by on 2% upvote
  • I can set the lower upvoting power (it is 70% set now) from below the bot can not upvote any post it just pause the upvotes and show the message to user the bot is at lowest upvoting power can not upvote you
  • The command for user is $Upvote URL of the post it must show a message when your post upvoted "post was upvoted successfully"
  • If the user not verified the account it shows a message "account can not verified" and also provides a link to sending the amount
  • I can connect multiple accounts with the bot
  • Any one can check about the commands of bot for that the command is $help
  • The work is really painful can not eat any thing for two days just working on bot
    Also can not sleep whole night
  • Sir @dimimp sorry the day you was distributing steem that day i was working on bot so miss the chance
  • If have any question i will tell you but as you know the needs are urgent
  • We Need 2k steem as soon as possible
  • Also need 25k steem power in our steemjetdiscord account so we help the peoples

Thanks sir @dimimp

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