Officially Personal Assistant (P.A) of dimimp For The Year 2019

Official P.A of @dimimp for Year 2K19.


Here is contact:

1. Peoples do not know what @dimimp is?
2. Peoples do not know what are the characteristics of @dimimp?
3. Why @dimimp become an entrepreneur?
4. Peoples do not know why @dimimp can not reply?

  • I will be Describing all these Questions one by one.

1. Peoples do not know what @dimimp is?


  • @dimimp is an entrepreneur who seeks for innovation & employment.
  • @dimimpis an investor who loves to invest more.
  • @dimimp is an inventor who loves to invent more.


  • Something different or new
  • Financial Resources, Devoting Time
  • Accompanying Financial risks, psychic risks and Social risks.
  • #Rewards: Financial, Independent and Self-satisfaction.


"It is a process by which an individual creates something different of value by devoting time, effort and resources to accompanying financial, social and psychic risks with the expectations of achievement of financial rewards, self-satisfaction and independence."

2. Peoples do not know what are the characteristics of @dimimp?


  • Independent
  • Hard Working/ Devoted
  • Creative and Innovative
  • Achievement oriented/ Goal oriented
  • Optimistic
  • Decision making Power
  • Risk taker
  • Mental abilities and skills
  • Realistic

3. Why @dimimp become an entrepreneur?

i. Desire to be their own boss.
ii. Profit Making.
iii. Pursue their own ideas.

Successful Entrepreneur:

a. Passion for business.
b. Determined Despite failure.
c. Product / Customer focus.
d. Execution intelligence.

Myths about Entrepreneur:

  • Entrepreneur are born not made.
  • Entrepreneur are doers not thinkers.
  • Entrepreneur are always investors.
  • Entrepreneur primary motive is profit.

4. Peoples do not know why @dimimp can not reply?


  • you need @dimimp time, but he have less time.
  • @dimimp working for betterment of steem.
  • @dimimp's blog can not load due to heavy traffic.
  • @dimimp unable to respond all of you.
  • @dimimp working hard.

Thanks For Reading.

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