Today is Day #365 on Steemit -- What an Awesome Year!

One year ago in August 2016, I discovered Steemit -- this amazing social media platform!


Steemit had launched 5 months earlier.

A Youtube video by @dollarvigilante about making money on Steemit caught my eye.

I was already aware of Bitcoin and Ethereum, because I regularly listen to and read alternative financial news, but I had not yet taken the plunge into the world of cryptocurrencies. I had never blogged before either; but I jumped right in.

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At the time, I was a stay-at-home Mom to 3 unschooled children ages 11 and under.

My home-based business buying Scrap Gold had slowed down a lot, so I welcomed a new income stream.

I already spent LOTS of time researching topics that I'm passionate about, so I started channeling that into my own Steemit blog.

Steemit Offers Me:

♥ An Open-Minded, Intelligent Community

♥ Great interaction with people from all over the world.

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♥ GREAT contacts and new friends.

♥ More quality interaction than on Facebook.

♥ Learning more from my own research.

♥ Learning constantly from the wealth of knowledge that others share here!

♥ Steemit has given me Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose.
I'm unschooling myself!

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What Else Have I Learned?

After being exposed to Cryptocurrency information over and over again, I finally had to act on it. About 3 months ago I started to diversify into other cryptos and now I have CRYPTO FEVER!

I really feel that this new technology and the blockchain are going to change the world as we know it. It's a new Renaissance and all of us here on Steemit are involved in the very early stages. It is exciting!

I would like to say a huge THANK-YOU to all of my readers, supporters and friends who have come along on this journey with me.

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Read my work here ➥ @canadian-coconut

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                                          August 10, 2017
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