Welcome to the SteemitWeekly

Steemit Weekly is 1 Month Old

Hello and welcome to the @steemitweekly #introduceyourself post.


This project is the brainchild of three Steemians you might have never heard of.

@enforcer48, @lovenfreedom, and @iamstan are involved in many projects on Steemit but this is the first one they started from scratch.

We found there was so much drama on Steemit that it's hard to keep up with it. We realized that many times we found out about things when it was old news. Then we didn't not have a chance to be involved in those important things on Steemit.

Things move fast on Steemit with the 7 day payout. It's easy to feel left behind. We wanted to change all that so everyone could always be up to speed on the good news going on at Steemit.


We now have a Discord server HERE where you can bring us scoops that you think are worthy of the 5 weekly stories we share. We hope to be able to reward people who become involved but that will be in the future as we are just beginning.

We hope to get more accounts involved in this project. It will grow and become the place to come once a week and know what is going on.

We try to get the weekly out on Saturday evening EST. Then you can read it on Sunday for your Sunday paper while drinking coffee, iced tea or your favorite reading beverage.

GIFs from giphy.com

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