HOW STEEMIT CHANGED MY LIFE (Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #5 )


Joining @steemit was more or less a push for me. I was goaded into joining the platform when I thought I had nothing to offer myself again. My life before I joined the platform had witnessed series of misfortunes as I strove to better my lot by joining an assortment of Ponzi schemes which carted my fortune away like a flash. I was in utter despondency and all seemed lost to me. I had an albatross of debt around my neck during the time and a way-out seemed intractable. I had to resort to paying up the loan with my monthly emolument which was not even enough for me much less other dependants. I was in a terrible fix. All I could see was darkness. No light at the end of the tunnel as everything was pitch black. I was down and almost out of my consciousness.


On that particular day in December, 2017, @baboyed1000 came to my workplace and introduced the platform to me. I was skeptical initially as we had both been recipients of bad luck as regards Ponzi schemes hitherto. @baboyed1000 and I had worked before and we knew each-other to a great length. He knew my capabilities especially when it comes to writing deftness (articles, poems, political opinions) as I have a blog where I write every week. What struck the chord of affection for me with @steemit was the fact that it doesn’t require a dime to join; it was a decentralized blockchain; you earn for quality content; and it widens your horizon and connection from far and wide.
@baboyed1000 gave me the site and instantly, I hopped in. I took my time to get myself acquainted with the intricacies before I started posting. After a while, I posted my first article about myself and I earned 3 dollars within 24 hours. I was shocked as I was in dire need of money even though the interest on my loan was breathing down my neck. Due to workload at workplace and other fringe works given to me, I abandoned the platform.


I abandoned the platform because I had a workload that was seemingly insurmountable for me. Unknowing to me, I was already ingratiating myself to the likes of @curie and other whales who were upvoting my contents. I was oblivious of this and I left it. I left it with so much regret that when I came back on board, to court them was just simply far-fetched. I started posting again but it was like starting afresh. There and then I learnt the first lesson that consistency and persistency opens new doors and opportunities which will make people great in life. A little stoppage in what one knows how to do can lead to its demise or moribund. I learnt the lesson with so much pain and agony which had persisted till now but which I am sublimating to achieve new height for myself.


Though I was doing a small blogging before I got to know @steemit, but when I joined, it took my life to another level in the art of blogging. It was a different life in itself which I am enjoying to the full.

I have also learnt how to use markdown which was no doubt a technical jargon that cut no ice with me.

I have learnt how to interact with people as a team. Being a member of @stach and collaborating with other people has greatly helped me.

I have learnt a lot about the world of cyptocurrencies. Hitherto, what I knew was just bitcoin but @steemit made everything look so interesting.

Also, I have learnt how to write to no end. Studying Public and Community Health to Masters level( with PhD in view), it is required or expectant of us to be a paragon of perfection vis a vis English. This platform has taken my writing deftness and prowess to a whole new pedestal.

I have got to know more about the different world around me and how to tolerate people because of our differences in culture and norms.


December was tough financially for me. Because of the loan I collected and the servicing, I had nothing to take home. I was left with nothing, I mean absolute nothing despite my contribution. On the 15th of December, 2017, I had #2000 with me. The morning was just bleak as I deprived myself of going out because I did not want to spend the one I had on me. The following morning, I took my laptop and I started writing poem as I was wont to do. On the first post, I earned 5 dollars. I was amazed. That actually propelled me to start combing the internet to give me an idea of what I can write. I wrote on so many things and I can say that I earned enough to make Christmas memorable. I took the horn of propagation instantly and I started showing people what steemit is and what it all entails. With that, I have been able to bring on @sapiensgbede, @blackdiamonds @jchariot to this great platform. Within that short space, I earned over #50000 when converted to naira and it was simply unbelievable.
I cannot keep quiet again about @steemit for a life-changing aid it gave me. I can express myself to anyone and my self-esteem is back on track. I was at an ever-low esteem and steem brought me back on the path of self-discovery and self-regeneration.
I once wrote a poem about what @steemit is to me and I will like to reproduce it here. The poem is entirely mine and this is not plagiarism. Anybody can vet it.

Steemit trudged in with its baking steam,
intellectualism it unearthed with its beam,
A fount of creativity it opened for everyone,
Eradicating tribalism, ethnicity for a team,

A platform that incentivise novelty,
Docility it divested for admiralty,
A fount of creativity it opened for everyone,
A provenance of firing passion to entrench individuality

With Steemit is the passion to strive,
And i strain every nerve on a daily basis to thrive,
A fount of creativity it has opened for everyone,
The focal lens i turned inward for the essential and sustaining drive

A love i have developed for Steemit unknowingly
As it proliferates my worth and passion considerably,
A fount of creativity it has opened for everyone,
A fluttering fire it stoked within me unimaginably

Despite the assailing burdens that addle,
Of my passion for Steemit will it ever dwindle,
Because, A fount of creativity it has opened for me,
It has provided the moral fibre... that nobody can swindle

has my wealth increased?
i can say with every sense of dignity that i make more than i earn as a salary in 7 days. what filled me with happiness is the future that i see bright and awesome.

Thank you @dobartim for this challenge.

Interested participants can join here

Thank you for reading through. I am @precy123

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