"MOVE ON" - The Big Word!!!

Move on!
A word needs for those people who experience heart aches.
A 6 letter word but with such very powerful meaning,
So powerful that if you can achieve it, you can break the heavy chains that binds and limits you to move forward.

Such a small word yet so big,
So hard to grasp,
So hard to achieve.
A small word that even the finest dictionary cannot define it exactly.

"Move on" is easy to be said than done.
Who would not agree?
People who experience extreme heart aches are surely agree with this.

It is like a prize, that every person wants to win.
A title of war, that every battles glory.
So many have attempt but little have the luck for victor.

"Move on" is an rare item that can be achieve with courage, honesty and acceptance.

Courage, the first formula.
Why do i said its the first formula?
Courage is strenght,
Strenght to stand and face the people who hurt you. To show them that even in this big storm your facing you're strong enough to withstand the things that they throw at you.

Honesty, the second formula.
Honesty to yourself,
Don't let your excuses hide the truth.
Listen to the people who supports you and let them help you to achieve the third formula the "acceptance".

Accept those reality, go out on your safe zone.
Dont try to live in your fantasies.
Truth may hurt but truth are the best way to free yourself from those burdens.

This might not be the perfect formulas but this are the main formulas for me.

I might not be a good adviser about this but i might give you a hint :)

Comments are free to write.
Negative or positive i'll take it as positives :)

Im just a starting wanna be,
And i might need your help polishing my ideas.

For grammars and spellings i am really sorry for i am not a fluent speaker of english, might as well slide it for today hehe

I am really a shy type person but i am overcoming this by socializing online and slowly going offline haha

Hope you enjoy reading :)

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