Pluma at papel

In writing, you use paper and a pen for you to be able to express your thoughts and ideas. Writing isn't always easy. And im pretty sure that you think that you are the only one who suffers from the writer's block, but i know that this will help you, if you knew that even famous published authors are worried about the construction of their sentences, proper use of words and to their paragraphs. There's no penalty for a bad first draft. You are always free to make a draft before writing the final version. It is very useful and i tell you, it very helpful for you to be able to produce a very good writing. But dont write and edit in the same sittingI can’t tell you how many little errors I catch when I revisit a piece of my own writing even one day later! I know it’s tempting to just “get it over with.” But really, you’re much wiser to let that essay marinate for a couple of days. And if you had a trouble getting started with ypur draft, i prefer you to set a timer and set it for 15 mins. It can help you to formulate you topic.

Writing helps a person to read well because it teaches you how words work. Style comes with practice, cause you will learn to develop ypur own writing style over time. Remember that its better to right poorly than not at all because you can always improve your rough draft and dont get hang up in perfection.

Writing is the best ways how you'll express your ideas and your thoughts. Actually in writing, i can find peace Because there, i can find comfort and im free to express my self. So as a teenager, im encouraging everyone to read books and write articles. Start ith a daily journal and i promise you, it'll help you.s

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