SteemitPhotoChallenge #42 - Animal Portrait II Entry 1 - Cat with a Story


Now, I wouldn't really consider myself a cat person. Or a dog person. I really like animals, just from a distance, and even though I own a horse, I don't get really cuddly with animals. One day my girlfriend and I were out on our hammock in our front yard. This cat walks up. She is unusually friendly for a cat, and I have never seen one act quite like her. We play with her for a little bit, but the sun was gone and it was getting pretty chilly out. It was time to go inside, but she wanted to come in with us. I felt so bad for leaving her outside, but was hoping that she would just end up going home. We waiting an hour or so, and there she sat on the porch. We put out a little bit of food and a box with a blanket for her just in case, and we went to bed. I was hoping, praying really, that she would go home, and I wouldn't have a lost cat on my hands , since I didn't really want a cat.

Fast forward 8 hours, I get up for work and she is still there. Now I feel horrible and let her inside for the day. She played with my girlfriend while I was at work and when I got home we planned on taking her to the vet to see if she had a chip. I get home from work and try to load her into the car, no cat carrier, no leash, no luck. She snuck out from my grip and bolted down the street. I wasn't sure what to do, so I didn't run after her. I kept checking the porch for the next few hours to see if she came back, but she didn't. My girlfriend got home late that evening, and when she pulled in the driveway the cat was on the porch again. We had no choice but to let her in the house. We went to the store, inviting our friend along to help us, and we bought some food, and a litter box. She spent the night in our house, mostly on my pillow and in my face, but I fell in love! She was just so sweet. I had decided at this point we should probably keep her if we couldn't find the owner. We ended up bringing her to the vet later the next day, and she had a chip. The good news is that she went home to her family. The bad news was that they didn't seem to care that much, and we were sad, devastated really. There may have been some real tears shed. I am now considering getting a cat because who could say no to a face like that?

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