Complete Perfect Metamorphosis In Butterflies

Metamorphosis of Butterflies - explanation of metamorphosis along with the type and complete example. Anyone will be amazed to see the beauty of butterflies not even a few who make butterflies as pets. But to be a beautiful butterfly he must pass through the process of metamorphosis.

Butterfly Life Cycle

The process of metamorphosis in butterflies can be quite long and long. Simply there are four stages in the metamorphosis of this butterfly. It starts from laying eggs then into a caterpillar or larva, then a cocoon and eventually becomes a butterfly.

  1. egg phase

The female butterfly is very choosy in choosing plants to put eggs on. The main reason is to find the prospective caterpillar of his favorite leaf. because Every butterfly has its own favorite leaves. Generally the butterfly lay its eggs at the tip / bottom of the leaves. This egg has a very small size, and is usually white. Butterfly eggs will hatch within 3 to 5 days. when out they will make a small hole in the egg.

2.Larva phase (Caterpillar)

The larva is another name of the butterfly caterpillar. At this stage many people feel disgusted to see it. Every day the worms will eat the leaves and have very fast growth. As the growth of the caterpillar size will exceed its own skin. So naturally the caterpillar will change skin, or commonly called molting. Usually the caterpillar will change skin 4 to 6 times. When the larvae have reached the maximum size he will stop to eat. and then looking for a shelter, to turn into a cocoon.

  1. Phase of Pupa (Pupa)

Pupa has a smooth, hard and usually brown, green leather structure. This as a camouflage form with the surrounding environment. If observed from outside the pupa phase looks like being rested, but true in it is going on the process of formation of butterflies for 7 to 20 days depending on the species.

4.Phase of Butterflies (Imago)
the last stage is the stage called the process of becoming a butterfly, after passing through several phases in the process it will now form to be a butterfly.


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