Liquid Love; A Fictional Story


She looked around as she stepped into the water. The Moon glistened on the surface as the crickets sang their rhythmic call to mate. It was a still night, the house on the cliff dark, they were all fast asleep. As she walked further, deeper, she shed her clothes. Naked, she slipped into the water and all that was left were her clothes floating, as the waves gently pushed them back to shore.

"Ferns, come on!! Wake up!! It's your birthday!!", her little sister came running in.

"No silly!! It's the eve of my birthday. And knock! Knock the door!" she said laughing. Fern caught her sister and dragged her into bed and started tickling her. This happened almost every single morning.

"So Sage... tell me. What do you do, before you come into my room?"

"I knock", and she knocked on the bed frame. "Then I wait for you to say - Come in! and then I come in", she giggled.

Fern loved her 5 year old sister. Her mum had her 13 years after her. Mum started acting strange from the time she got pregnant with Sage. Talking to herself, sometimes walking off to the lake and coming back soaking wet. Dad, had a tough time trying to keep up. Fern had caught them sometimes, Mum would be crying, Dad would be holding her, talking to her softly.

One day Mum disappeared. Some said she drowned herself. Others said she just ran away because she didn't want to raise another baby. Fern couldn't understand such flippant remarks, but she didn't let it bother her. She protected her sister from the gossip, and raised her like she was her own.

Dad became very quiet. He was naturally an introvert, and buried himself in work, making an appearance as and when duty called. Fern didn't let anything get her down though. She was naturally a happy person, and made sure Sage didn't miss the mother or father figure in her life.

That night, dinner with Dad and Sage was light hearted as usual. Sage talked non-stop about how she'd want her 18th birthday party with pink balloons and unicorns. Dad was always present when he was with them and played along, listening intently but she knew once dinner was over, he'd disappear into his study.

However this time, after dinner, he hung around saying he was going to have a glass of wine with his grown up daughter. Sage begged to stay awake but eventually went to bed yawning. After the good nights, Fern sat at the patio as her father poured her a drink.

They could see the lake from the balcony and it was a beautiful view. She could tell her Dad had something to say and she waited patiently. These moments spent with Dad were rare and she cherished them. After a little small talk, Dad sat in the chair opposite her. She knew this was it. It must be some grown up talk since she was turning 18.

"Fern, my dear, sweet daughter."

"Yes Dad, my wonderful, amazing father", she laughed. He seemed a little hesitant and that immedietly made the moment sober. "Dad, what is it?"

"With you turning 18, I need to talk to you about something. I need to prepare you for what's coming. It could happen at the stroke of midnight, it could happen five years from now, I don't know. I don't even know if it is true but I don't want it to catch you unaware. This happened to your mother and with her post-partum blues, she wasn't able to cope."

"Dad, you are scaring me."

"No, there's nothing to be scared of. I probably could have done more, but I didn't know how to help. There are many things I wish I could have done differently. But today it is about you."

"Dad, what is it?"

Dad took a deep breath. He held out his hand and she took it. It almost seemed like he needed the support more than she did. She waited while he gathered his words, almost unsure where to start. And finally he told her everything. She had so many mixed emotions, it was like she was in some Hans Christian Anderson story.

Fern's mother was of the lake. Born and raised in a land under the deep waters. Her parents had met when her father had bought the land by the lake and built his home there. He had spent all his life researching the space time continuum, never really engaging with people, preferring his own company, until he met Sweena.

She was beautiful, with a laugh that tinkled like tinsel and eyes that twinkled like the stars. Over time, they had fallen madly in love. When her family found out, they did everything in their power to stop her. It was unheard of and they had no conclusion what would happen if people of land and people of water united. But Sweena, went ahead anyways and walked away from the life she knew.

Life was amazing, and even though Sweena missed her family and the water, she had made peace with her choice. They were overjoyed with their first born through the complications. But it was decided they wouldn't have another. But when Sweena got pregnant again, there was no question she was going to keep the baby.

The 9 months turned out to be far more complicated then the first. Sweena, would disappear into the night, coming back in the mornings soaking wet. She was depressed and had nightmares. When she was awake, she had hallucinations. She said people from the water were following her. They wanted her to come back. And no matter how much her dear husband tried to comfort her, the madness continued even after the delivery. Two months after Sage's birth, her mother walked into the lake and never came back.

When Fern was involved in an accident, and was hospitalised for over a month, the medication kicked off hallucinations of the water people watching over her. It scared her at first, but over time, she realised they were just her guides. There to protect her.

When she was discharged and went home, every night she'd hear the calling. Whispers in the wind, teasing, inviting. She tried fighting at first, and finally surrendered. That night, she waited till everyone was asleep, then walked to the waters edge, As she stepped in, she felt an immeasurable sense of calm, and infinity of love. She was home.

That was almost 7 years ago. Sage was turning 16 in a couple of weeks. Fern was sure, without doubt that Sage would get the calling. When, she wasn't sure but she had to tell her. To prepare her, just like her Dad did all those years ago.

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Pictures taken with my trusty iPhone 7 Plus

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