Haircut for my cute grandma

As always it's Friday again and most of the Friday nights I will go visit my cute grandma.

But earlier today I got a call from my aunt saying that my grandma wants a haircut👵💇
So she asked me to bring my scissors and tools tonight .

Since it's going to be Chinese New Year soon,most of the saloons here are going to raise up their price to double or triple few weeks before and during the festive season.

This is a rare occasion. So here you go..Some pictures just after her haircut.
After the haircut, we have some snacks and dragon fruit flower with red dates and Chinese herb with Chinese white almonds drink cooked by my beloved grandma. Yum!

Always blessed to still have her around.
The one and only grandmother who loves to feed me with lots of food since I was still small cause I'm always the thin and tiny one among all my other cousins.
And I still am the thin and slim one but no more the shortest one anymore. Hahaha.




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