Ulog Number 4: The Golden D Steemit Happy List

This post started out as one.. then turned two-fold... but as I continued writing, I had to re-write my introductory paragraph, change my tags and make this a three-fold post. Dang... talk about killing two birds with one stone; I just wrote three posts in one! Bada-Bing!

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Image by @riosparada

Two days ago I came across @arbitrarykitten's anniversary contest post, then I came across a post that @blockurator made about how he is able to expand his writing and topics on the steemit platform. Both of these posts got me thinking... then I added the ulog tag because I recently jumped on the Ulog wagon and am lovin' the ride!

@arbitrarykitten said in her contest post...

We are all here for more than the rewards. We spend quality time on the Steemit platform and I wish to know what brings value to your time here.
I want to hear what makes you happy at Steemit!
What lights your internal Steemit fire?

@blockurator said...

Prior to joining Steemit, I hadn't written a blog post since November 2017... I hadn't written daily in over two years

JUST like me!! (although we had different reasons for not writing for two years...)

But to explain how I came to steemit, rediscovered my passion for writing and what tickles my happy steemit bones, I need to take a moment and go back in time. {this is where ulog comes into play on the post}

{Queue time machine music here}

What Lights My Internal Steemit Fire...

As I may have mentioned above, I had stopped writing in May 2015 due to health reasons and had just lost my passion for being creative.My auto-immune disease was getting the best of me physically, mentally and emotionally. I lost friends. I lost my way in life. I became estranged from family. I was a hot mess to put it mildly.

I quit my job in December 2016, due to falling and fracturing my femur and just... sat. I had no interest. I had no desire to do things. (Yeah.. pathetic, I know)

We moved in February 2017, into our current home and I was starting to come out of my funk. I had a reason to be active. I was settling into our new home. I spent endless hours arranging.. re-arranging the kitchen cupboards. I spent WAY too much OCD time scrubbing every inch of our home.

Then in mid-July 2017 after the cleaning of, arranging of and re-organization of the new home was finally coming to a close... I opened an email from a prepper newsletter I was always receiving, but sometimes ignoring, and there it was.


I can remember starting to read others' posts. I can recall trying to get a handle on the system. I can only shake my head now about how I was attempting to understand cryptocurrency. I treated UPvotes as if they were likes from other social media sites. Learned a fast lesson there. I spent time reading through the tags and finally found the homesteading and gardening community on slack (YES! Remember slack?)

I had just started my first little portable greenhouse and planted the garden, so I had found friends to share with, learn from and discover new gardening techniques from. I was in my GLORY!

The next 13 months are a blur...


As with @blockurator, steemit offered me a platform where I could write about what topics interested me. I could share my daily life (as many do on other platforms with a sentence or two) but here I can elaborate... I can share my knowledge and comment to gain more knowledge.

So what makes me happy here?
The Golden D Steemit Happy List
  • Making friends (I am a social outcast in person but flourish here)
  • Gaining more knowledge (I can now plant/grow/utilize more herbs than I ever knew existed)
  • Learning new homesteading/gardening skills (I can make soap, my own salves and tinctures now)
  • Being supportive (I do my own curation posts for others on the platform, I delegate to communities now, active on Discord & so MUCH MORE!)
  • Receiving support (I was a Steward Of Gondor-@fulltimegeek, I was a top person for months on the Curation League-@abh12345 and SO MUCH MORE)
  • Learning about/earning cryptocurrecy for retirement and future (fingers crossed)
  • Finding my writing passion again (I have learned to be even MORE creative)

So at the end of the (steemit) day, I can reflect back and see who I have helped.. who I have connected with and what I have learned that I never knew before... all thanks to steemit. I shut my eyes with a smile upon my face and that's what makes me steemit happy.


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