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Recognize Symptoms of Heart Disease that Threatens Your Life

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Heart organ is a vital organ in the human body that works to pump blood to all parts of the body without stopping while we are sleeping. When the heart is damaged eating certainly the body will be unhealthy and susceptible to disease. Therefore it is very important for us to know how to maintain heart health so that we are always healthy and strong and work optimally and avoid heart disease. [1]

until now heart disease is one of the deadly diseases that can affect anyone. this disease does not know the age and even the class. and ready to attack at any time when you are careless and do not care about your heart health. In fact, heart disease does not only affect the elderly. Today, many young people have developed heart disease. Even newborns can have heart defects. [2]

I will explain to you the types and symptoms of heart disease that you must be vigilant at all times. You need to recognize the types of dangerous diseases that threaten your life. various variations and features with different symptoms.

If so let's get to know the symptoms of heart attack disease:

1. Weak Heart Muscle

Weakening of the heart muscle is a condition in which the various muscles and cavities in your heart do not have the power like any other normal heart. Patients with this type of disease usually can not perform a variety of activities that are too excessive, because the activity is too heavy on the heart can cause pain in your chest, sometimes even one of the give chest pain is able to make the body look blue. The cause of this disease is usually already innate so it is a bit difficult to do treatment. [3]

2. Pain In The Head

Have you experienced headache pain in the sun? Pain in the head if exposed to sunlight is also a characteristic of a person with heart problems. This effect can cause unbalanced heartbeats, sometimes slow, sometimes fast. In women should also be wary if often experienced migraine sickness because according to research published by the American Academy of eurology headache in patients with heart disease could be a result of the storage of blood circulation.

3. Chest Pain

Other characteristics of people affected by heart disease can also be from pain symptoms in the chest, but chest pain is not only an early symptom of heart disease, it could be because of other diseases. But to be sure of this then you should see your doctor. Chest pain in a person affected by a heart attack due to blockage of arteries that result in blood does not flow stable throughout the body.

4. Pain On Body Parts

because the clogged arteries often cause pain in certain parts of the body, such as if the woman feels pain in the hands of the left or right while in the male on the left, in addition to the hands, the parts of the body that often hurts is the shoulder, back and neck , at any time come and also leave. [4]

5. nausea and even vomiting and indigestion

Characteristics of heart disease is also almost similar to the symptoms of colds. You may also experience nausea and even vomiting and indigestion. However, in heart disease symptoms are more extreme. Excessive sweating is also a hallmark of heart disease.

6. dizzy until fainted
Another hallmark of heart disease that you should be aware of is when the pain causes dizziness to faint. Often, patients with symptoms of heart disease late brought to the doctor or emergency department that can cause a more fatal result of death. [5]

To prevent it you need to exercise regularly. Start with light exercise like a morning walk around the house or go to instructors and nutritionists to get a guide that is suitable for your heart health.

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