Something beautiful ... The things I cherish

I suck at threading words into something beautiful. I need other people's words to put it all into perspective because those words can hit me like a truck. I'm horrible at trying to understand the universe, because shit happens and w get through it and move on with our lives. I'm bad at the things that I am interested in, this has been my thoughts always. But for whatever reason that keeps me doing that which I love, I want that reason to stay with me for as long as possible.

I love writing. The raw passion that flows from someone else's mind, tangling in yours, and connecting to past events or moments. You can relate to words because of the eloquent ways they've been written, typed, or said. People have a way with words that no one else could understand. It's an escape for you to pour out every feeling you have. It creates something in your mind that only you would see. Maybe a selected few would see it your way, many would see it in a different way and to hear description of their thoughts is something beautiful.

I love singing. I can't sing at all but I enjoy it when other people sing. The passion people have for singing when they love it is simply a plus. The raw emotion that you feel when your pour out your heart in a song is something beautiful to me. I enjoy hearing others sing because I can hear a story they share through their songs.

I love music. I mean many people do, it's so easy to relate. I love many kinds of music. The rock, Alternative, RnB, Afropop, Dance hall, Reggae, Remixes, Mashups, Hiplife, High life etc. Those musics can have powerful lyrics. Music is something people use to escape from reality. Something people share their emotions through and yeah something so beautiful.

I love books. Books are also another form of escaping reality. You can lose yourself in someone else's words, immerse yourself in someone else's fantasies. Books about passion, love, hatred, crime, life... The way authors spin their words is something beautiful to behold.

I love it when someone laughs. I love their laugh when it's a genuine one and it falls into this uncontrollable giggles. The silent laughter is the best. It really hits you there you can't stop laughing and it starts to hurt, but all that matters is the fact that you are with someone important. It's breathtaking to see someone you love laugh, the way they will maybe throwback their head, their beautiful teeth on display, their eyes closed because whatever it is it is so damn funny. It's something beautiful so make people smile.

I love it when someone shares their fantasies with you. They entrust you with something that should be treated with utmost seriousness, although it may depend on the fantasy. Regardless, you should treat the person with more respect than you have ever presented them before. It's so beautiful.

All of this and so much more, it's something beautiful. It's engraved in your mind forever. It's something that holds little importance but can be life-changing for many people. All you have to do is to pay attention and find out what makes someone the happiest.

So many of us don't ever live in the moment. We are so focused on the past and the future. We don't bother to take a look at what we've got right now. What we've got right now is something we may lose in the future but all that matters is now. We don't take the chances we are too scared to do but a time would come when it will be too late to take a chance.

I've lost many chances, it's depressingly hilarious when I think back to it. Don't be like me. If there is an opportunity for you, you should most definitely take it. Who knows when such an opportunity would present itself again?

So hopefully you the reader, will not make the same mistakes I made. If you have someone, you better not let go. And you better focus on what you have now because it could be gone so easily and so soon. At least have a few good memories to look back on okay?

Anyways I've gotten morbidly positive, and am a little concerned, considering that I'm quite a morose person.

Have a blessed day reader.
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