THE EARLY BIRDS CAUGHT THE WORMS- Correcting Misconceptions


The early birds did not catch all the worms, they left some behind. The early church did not do all the miracles, they left yours. Paul, Peter, Smith Wigglesworth, John Graham Lake and all the great generals who went ahead of us did not do it all.
In Acts 3, there is a beautiful account of a man who was healed at the Beautiful gate. This was the same gate Jesus often went in and out of every Sabbath to preach yet this man wasn't healed. The man's delayed healing was how Jesus left crumbs for the other birds, Peter and John, to feed on.
Kathryn Kuhlman and Oral Roberts did not do all the healings. They left that man you always see by the roadside begging for alms, they left that paralyzed man you see under the bridge seeking help. They left this bleeding economy for you to heal.
Lift up your heads to the fields! There are blind men waiting to be healed by you. There are poor people waiting to be fed by your hands or else they'll sleep on an empty stomach. There are lame people waiting for you to stir up the waters so they'll step in and be healed. After Peter came Paul, after Paul came the Idahosa and Billy Grahams. And after them came you, what will your biography read?
We might be the last in this great episode of serial miracles. If we indeed be the last, then we need not leave any stone unturned, any soul unconverted or any barren fruitless situation bare.
Should our time elapse and there still be work to be done in the fields, then we must pray the Lord of the harvest to send us laborers.
And we must not forget to tell them where we left their worms.

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