Just a short content containing #steemitfunfactchallenge

Catch the energy of a sunday morning...

Today I woke up in the early morning of this wonderful sunday, where in my opinion is a magic energy hidden. When most of the people are sleeping, you just have to go out and listen to nature. It's like the birds are singing the melody of Kelis - Bossy :D
Really you should try to listen with this in mind.

A cat in sun- and spot light on a sunday morning in Antalya, 15.06.2014, 05:34h

sunday morning in Antalya, 15.06.2014, 05:34h

So, my first referal friend who joined to steemit...

I am very happy I could invite @fatoshcansu to our steemit community. Our friendship started at the beginning of our studies and was filled since with crazy and fun moments with great idea's and creativity. She is someone very special. One day, I will explain why. Just keep following her (and me ^^ ) We will do great things together !

She already has proven her ingenuity inducing the challenge called #steemitfunfactchallenge by @fatoshcansu
She nominated me to list 30 facts about me:

  1. Cats come first. My love to them must be DNA written.
  2. Spoken about DNA... I am an engineer in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics who already isolated his own DNA
  3. When I travel and take pictures, there is mostly a deeper background reminding a fact
  4. I have a talent for making extraordinary surprises to my sweethearts
  5. I lived in Germany (20 years in Berlin, 4 years in Emden, 6 months in Bremen) , Turkey (8 months in Istanbul) and France (1 year in Quimper)
  6. I am quadrilingual (German, Turkish, English and French)
  7. With a friend we invented a food called "king-meal" . I like to cook in general, it reminds me to my chemistry work in lab^^
  8. ice-cream makes me younger
  9. I like to hide special hints which I can use in the future as a proof. Just as the order of some of these funfacts in here...
  10. I am a secret author with one goal
  11. I declared myself as a "Döner tester" who drives sometimes more than 150 km just to taste a new good one...
  12. the smell and vapour of a shisha is inviting , but no disgusting cigarettes !
  13. Favorite movies are in this order: Matrix, Interstellar, Lion King :) , Inception, Butterfly Effect and Shutter Island, and all Jackie Chan movies, ...
  14. music depends on mood and I would advise the book of robin sharma - the monk who sold his ferrari
  15. I created a theory for deja-vue's which seems to be very realistic and maybe lets get you goosebumps when you hear it...
  16. I can sleep better when I drunk at least one glass of black tea
  17. My nicknames are Talaxy, spontalha, tali G. , ...
  18. My most popular own created word is aşky . It got an own explanation which I wrote down.
  19. I danced Breakdance and hip hop but not enough :(
  20. I am Libra and have a lot of Scorpio in my horoscope
  21. that makes me feel comfortable when equilibrium is restored, otherwise injustice makes me angry
  22. and yes, I am more thinking than breathing maybe...
  23. I played Paintball, Lasertag and Go-Kart with my professors :)
  24. I will lucid dream !
  25. I drove a lot of different cars at work and in private ( each model of Porsche, Audi, VW and some models of Mercedes, BMW and Ford) and I really like it
  26. I wanted to study psychology
  27. Family and love is strength and does not know any distance or time
  28. I believe
  29. I do research
  30. KaraMel is our family member and lovely cat for 9 years.

So, now I have to nominate someone. I thought first about @lulita , who was my first subscriber . But as she already took part on this challenge I will pick a new comer so they get a chance to be involved to this funny introducing game challenge
I nominate @oliver.rivers who entered today and would like to contribute the steemit community in general and more... check him out !

Thank you Part from latter posting
The Idea:
I will pick one of my upvoter's and one of my commentator's in each of my post's and mention them in my next posting :D It won't be just randomly. It could be a funny nickname, a nickname which matches to the content, or maybe if you are the only one ^^ So, feel free to try your luck for the next posting.
Winner of this post:
Thanks to @fyrstikken for upvoting ! Your Nick sounds in German to have breakfast, did you knew that? :D It is written as "frühstücken" .
Thanks to @sesangsokuro who shares lovely cat posts with the steemit community

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