Motherhood at 24.💕😊


I became a mom at 24. I travelled a little. I experienced lots of interesting things. I had a job. And I met the person I wanted to grow old with. That was all I needed.

Money? Just enough money and a lot of faith. Some people wait until they have lots of money to have a baby but, for me, I did it because I felt I was ready.

I felt ready for the challenges of being a mom. Ready for the responsibilities of raising a kid. I was willing to try everything just to provide for my baby. And it made me stronger because I had a partner that wanted the same thing as me. I think the only thing I worried about was labor. Haaah! Every mother would know what I meant.😬

Too early? Hmnn maybe, but naah. I think I was at the right age. When my kids grow up, I want to look like their mom and not their grandma.😂

How does it feel? It feels like heaven to see and hold your child for the first time. The first kiss comes with tears of joy. My hubby witnessed the whole thing. He cried and said he realized the pain his mom had to endure for him.


Challenges? Too many and many more to come. But, we made it this far and are ready for anything because we love our baby. And, when we see our baby smile, it makes us stronger and inspired.


To all the parents out there, let's love our kids unconditionally! 'Tis the best gift we can ever give.💕😊


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