Baby you're a firework Come on let your color burst

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I love fireworks as much as I love this Katy Perry song.

Last night was a blast! It’s my first time to watch fireworks fest held in one of the malls in the city. As the fireworks exploded, it felt like my heart bursted with excitement. Watching the dazzling night full of lights made me realize certain things in my life.
But before I get into that, I remember how my professors in the university taught us the chemistry behind the different colors we are seeing in fireworks.

The colors of fireworks are emitted due to the different metals present in them.

  1. Red – Strontium salts
  2. Orange – Calcium salts
  3. Yellow – Sodium salts
  4. Green – barium salts
  5. Blue – copper salts
  6. Purple – Combine copper and strontium compounds
  7. Silver – White hot Magnesium and Aluminum
  8. White – Burning metal (Magnesium, Aluminum or Titanium)

This is also the explanation on the different color of the flame during flame test that enables researchers to identify the presence of a specific metal. The very reason why every time I see fireworks, I try to remember what metal is responsible for the color. Yellow – Oh that’s Sodium. :)

Okay, enough of the science part :)

Here are the things I was reminded of and some insights as I watched the spectacular display:

1. I love fireworks.
This one is obvious because first of all I made this “firework” post. Fireworks always remind me of my college buddy (she requested this song to be played through a violin for me) who currently resides in New York. During my first and second year in college, she was always there guiding me and supporting me. She used to give me treats attached with motivational quotes during exams and the little surprises that really made me feel welcomed in our department. Although we rarely communicate now, she will always have a special place in my heart because she was one of the reasons why I found the courage to continue in my course and eventually our profession.

2. Music is my medicine.
It was a pyromusical show and here are some of the songs I enjoyed and lifted my spirits up:

Wannabe by my all time favorite girl group the Spice Girls

If you wanna be my lover
You gotta get with my friends
Make it last forever
Friendship never ends

Taylor Swift's Love Story

Intro music
We we're both young when I first saw you


Oh-oh you are
My sunrise on the darkest day
Got me feelin' some kind of way
Make me wann savor every moment slowly

Appreciating these made me reminisced how music became my therapy.
During college, I left our province to study in Baguio city. I was shocked because I never thought that I wasn’t really ready to be independent when all my life I am living with my family. I experienced homesickness to the point that even the thought of my mom made me cry. It was really an unexplainable sadness and I found my relief in music. I downloaded songs that somehow took me away from that sad reality. My favorite then was One step at a time by Jordin Sparks.

We live and we learn
To take one step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly or falling in love
It's gonna happen when it's suppose to happen
And you'll find the reasons why
One step at a time

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So having this music is my medicine thing, you might wonder if I am musically inclined. Well, I hope so. Haha! I love music but unfortunately the feeling isn't mutual. But no problemo since I am okay with singing in the shower! Who doesn’t, right?

3.Seize the moment.
I was waiting for the perfect shot to share with this post but during the middle of the show I put off my smartphone and just enjoyed the moment. Then I realize, most of the time people tend to wait for the right moment, person or opportunity not realizing that it’s already there right in front of us and we just failed to recognize them.

Here are some pictures that I took and I apologize if I really wasn't able to capture the best but I do hope my explanation above says it all.




There were three countries that entered the contest : Germany, United Kingdom and United States.

4.Share your experiences.
One thing that ran into my mind while watching is that I will share this experience to others just as what I did on this post. I felt so much excitement inside that anyone I talked to I wanted to share what I had just witnessed. Relating the experience with my life, I realized how I try to always fill my life with positivity. Fill my heart with so much love that it overflows so I can give it to others. Sometimes, it is hard especially in this world full of negativity and hatred. During these times, I recall what Anne Frank said (I’ve read the book when I was in 2nd yr highschool Grade VIII)

In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.

I believe that God allows us to meet the hardest of hearts for us to understand and realize that the unlovable people needs love the most.

5.Aim high
As I got home, my mom was watching the opening of Olympics 2018 at Pyeong Chang. Again, I saw more majestic fireworks display but only in the television. Then I told myself that one day I will be able to watch those even in the other country. I also told my mom that I will be visiting Japan on the next Olympics to witness those fireworks with my very own eyes. She just laughed because that would be impossible for now. But who knows, I might be able to make it come true. And I firmly BELIEVE on that.

So, that will be all for my firework post. Thank you for reading even though I am still thinking if everything I wrote here makes sense. I am really grateful for Steemit because I am able to share my random thoughts like this on the community and not being judged or whatever. My experience on Steemit so far has been great because of the amazing platform and community.

Reference :

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