Developing the ingenuity of children | Knowing our Universe


Hello, dear family Steemit! Welcome to our virtual classroom, we know that the Universe is the set of all the galaxies, and of all the interspatial elements that compose them. This beautiful day I bring you a very important content for the development of any child. So I invite you to enjoy this class where we can clarify questions and doubts in children about our planet earth.




The universe

This is the universe is great, right? Even if you look very far you will never see its end because it has no limit. It is not known how it was formed. Apparently, at the beginning all its components were together, in a kind of ball. After about ten or twenty billion years ago, there was a big bang called the big bang.

The pieces of the ball scattered in all directions and gave rise to the stars that today make up the universe. In the universe there are stars, planets, satellites, comets, meteorites, etc. Surely you know how they are, but I'm going to remind you.


The nine planets

he planets are stars that do not have their own illumination. These celestial bodies revolve around the Sun, making an elliptical path, also revolve around their own axis. Around the sun turn nine: Mercury, Venus, our planet Earth , Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. 


Did you know that, the rotation movement of Venus is slower than its movement of translation? That is, it takes longer to go around the Sun than to go around on its axis. A day on Venus equals eight months on earth.



The stars are stars that emit their own light. We see them small because they are far away, but they can be very large. They have different colors: blue, white, yellow, orange and red. The sun is a huge star and is also the closest to the planet Earth. The stars are grouped into galaxies, the best known is the Milky Way, where the sun and the Earth are.

Not all stars are like the Sun. According to their state of evolution, it varies in size, color, temperature and luminosity. Contemplating the sky on a moonless night, you can count up to 3,000 stars, considering that in our eyes you can only observe up to the sixth magnitude.



Meteorites are bodies that travel through space very quickly. They are formed by rocks and minerals. Some, when reaching high temperatures, ignite and collide with the earth's crust. It is also called shooting stars. Sometimes they reach the ground: if they are small, when they get closer they fall apart in small pieces, but if they are large, when they touch the ground they leave huge craters.


Did you know that ... A crater is the footprint left by the fall of a meteorite?



Comets are stars that move at great speed around the sun. They are relatively small but have a long and bright tail. They have a solid core of interplanetary matter, made up of rocks, dust and ice. But they also have a large tail originated by material that detaches when thawing when it passes close to the Sun. These bodies do not have their own light but shine when reflecting the solar.






  • The universe is a huge space where large masses of gases and dust are grouped into innumerable star systems, called galaxies. It is argued that the universe originated, 15 billion years ago, from a point without dimensions that possessed all the mass that today forms the Cosmos.
  • Galaxies are star systems that constitute the basic elements of the universe. The stars, the Sun, the Moon, the Earth and the other planets are the celestial bodies with which we are familiar. However, there are many more; comets, quasars, pulsars, nebulas and black holes, among others.
  • The planets closest to the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, are composed of rocky matter and heavy metals, such as uranium; while the most distant, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are made up of gases.



Thank you all for joining me in this fantastic and perfect exercise for the development of children. With this fun class on The Universe, you can have a good time with the little ones of the house, help you in your physical and mental development, allowing you to expand your concentration and observation technique to help them understand their environment.







"If we are alone in the Universe, it would surely be a terrible loss of space" - Carl Sagan




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I dedicate this work to the community of @tribesteemup, with the intention that they can know my work. Thanks to the wonderful idea of @kennyskitchen, and the great support of @adamkokesh, for leading this beautiful project called @tribesteemup. I love what you are doing, thanks for the infinite support to our community and I have my support at all times.




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