Steem School EP 23 - How to Become an Integral Part of a Steemit Community

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Becoming a part of the core group of a Steemit community is a matter of patience.

But how do you find Steemit communities? To find Steemit communities you just have to check out the "Community" tag and keep your eyes open.

These Steemit communities usually have a Discord server to communicate with each other.

However, do not join a community to get upvotes, that shit will backfire most of the times because you do not get along at all.

Join a community that you are seriously interested in and then you join their Discord server.


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Step #1 - A Good First Impression

To make a good first impression you simply check the channels of that Discord server on the left to look if there are channels called "Rules" for example.

After you have read a little bit on all the channels it is time to introduce yourself (and you introduce yourself in the main language of the server, which is usually English).

Also, if the server does not have any rules then I highly recommend that you do not post your links to channels they don't belong to!

Usually, there is a channel called "Post-Promotion" where you can paste your post into.

I recommend that you introduce yourself before you do that.

Now you have introduced yourself and got an idea of the people on the server, the rules and how everything works on the server.


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Step #2 - Becoming Part of the Core

To become a part of the core you will have to help the guys on the top to improve the community.

Ask them if you can somehow help them to improve the community and do not do that on the first day.

Become a part of the community and write with everyone before you ask them.

If you can help them and you do help them then you have become part of the "important" people.


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Step #3 - Consistency

Being an important part of the community without being there on a consistent basis (on Steemit that means every day) won't happen.

You have to be there, communicate with all kinds of members, ask the VIP if you can somehow help to improve the community (after a month minimum) and repeat.

Like that you will become an integral part of a community that you always wanted to be a part of.

I, for example, am interested in hardcore 24/7 self-improvement which is why I have created my own community + Steemschool.


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Join a community you are interested in (and not for upvotes), communicate with all members for a month and then you can ask the leadership if you can somehow help to improve the community and repeat!

If you join a community you are not interested in then you will have a hard time becoming an integral part because people sense that you are only there for the $$$.

So keep it real and don't fool yourself & others.

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