Celebrating Diversity in Preschool - Girl Power and Gender Roles

As you know, fellow Steemians, I have major issues as an adult because of my older brother. None of which is his fault. Growing up in the 70's and 80's, he was merely playing the role of the boy and I had to play the role of the girl. This was fine and dandy, and my life was all Barbie and Holly Hobbie ... until Star Wars. Star Wars rocked my world. I wanted Star Wars. I wanted that land speeder, that Darth Vader carrying case, those Star Wars figures with CAPES ... I've said this before. I apologize. I told you I have issues.

Therefore, as we celebrate women this month, I am thrilled about the surge of women empowerment with gender "roles" eliminated. Do you know how freaking awesome it was to see the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens with a GIRL in the lead role?!? And the best thing about it is that boys didn't notice! She was just Rey. She was the lead character and she was awesome. I left the theater that day on a cloud, with my daughter and son discussing the movie ... and it wasn't a GIRL, it wasn't a BOY, there was no need to classify a GENDER. Rey was perfect because Rey could do anything because she was awesome. And all agreed and all was right with the world.

As you also know, fellow Steemians, I teach preschool. Right after Rogue One, a girl had on a Rogue One t-shirt and brought in her doll for nap time. And after the second Star Wars movie this fall, another girl came up to me and said, "Look, Ms. Daisy! I have my hair like Rey!" She did. Three little pony tails down the back of her sweet little head. I swelled with pride.

No more are the days when the super cool action movies are only for boys! When the women are right along with the men, or dare I say when the women are STARRING with male sidekicks, EVERYONE can enjoy the movies. Need I say Hunger Games? Wonder Woman? The kick ass ladies in Black Panther? While the children were working on gross motor outdoors, the girls were pretending to be "The Dora" protecting the playground! You go, girls!

Not only does it give young girls a sense of empowerment, it helps young boys accept girls as EQUALS. Yes, we can still take our dolls and have a tea party every now and again. But we are also grabbing our Hunger Games inspired Nerf bow gun and protecting our turf right along with the boys.

And yes, the bullets are pink. We're girls, man. Now run, and run fast, or I'll Nerf your ass.

cool dolls

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