
If you could design your own classroom what would it look like? What would your dream classroom include if you could have anything in it? You can talk about the colors you would paint the walls, furniture you would have for students, teaching tools, or anything else you can think of.

There are different factors that affect the student’s learning it could be the community, parents, teachers, how they learn and etc. We can say that in some instances the environment that they actually studied is one of the factor. A well ventilated classroom also affects on how they learn and how their system accepts the new information.

I was a student before and I know most of you were also students and basically what we looked and observe first is how good the physical appearance of the school is. Humans as we are , being inside a school is just like falling in love, we always choose the physical appearance first. Truth to be told, who does like a school or a classroom that doesn’t suit your taste?

So as a teacher, I do really consider on how my classroom looked like. First thing first, I was so happy that I got accepted in a INDIVIDUALIZED CURRICULUM kind of school because this means that I can cater the different learning styles a student has. In my view when I was still studying I already imagined my dream classroom.

If I could design my own classroom what would it look like? I consider some points on how it looked like.




A color scheme is very important inside a classroom, a school is not a hospital so we should not paint the walls in white. For me the white in color is peace but students can always think of hospitals if they see this color. So, I choose the combination of blue and green as the color of the walls.

The color GREEN is accompanied with the words “Freshness” “Growth” “Safety” “Energy” and etc. This color affects the students physically and mentally in different ways since it makes the students relax and it also helps alleviate anxiaty, depression and nervousness.

The color BLUE is accompanied with the words “Ocean” “Calm” “Strength” “Authority” and etc . This color makes people or students feel calm since we knew how school could be tiring sometimes.

That is why I choose these two color more than any color.



If we say visuals, it could be the bulletin board or other things that they can actually see inside the classroom. As a teacher, we often have our attendance chart and some announcements board. What I really wanna show you first is our ”THOUSAND CLUB”.

This kind of visual is to help the students visualize there accomplishments in every quarter. They can look back on how they are doing or how many worksheets that they actually got a hundred score. This is a way visual motivation for the students and a reminder that they really need to do their best.



In a regular class we don’t have our own table and space. Since I am working in a indivualized curriculum it also means that their working space is also individualized.This allows students to learn the subject in their own pace and in their own learning ability rather than being pushed and they are not learning anything. The learner center is composed of ,

A goal chart is very effective since a student can definitely learn on how to set his/her goals everyday. This would definitely help the students on how to set goals properly and on how to identify a short term and long term goals.

The progress chart is where they can look back on how many worksheets they already finished in each quarter. This would definitely push them to be successful and to push their learning ability in a highest level.


A classroom will not be a good classroom without a teacher. So for me, a good teacher and a good classroom design will always be together.



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