Bounce Back In Life (an original poem + vocabulary words for students to learn)

I created this poem with the aim to encourage people. We often fail in life that we find it difficult to bounce back. This poem is a reminder that we are not alone. Let's fail and learn, after which, we'll bounce back strong.

I also included some vocabulary words and idiomatic expressions below for students to study while reading this poem.I hope you enjoy and learn from it!


Bounce Back In Life

In life, we may fail a lot of times
Plans may turn sour like rotten limes
However in these times we shouldn't fear
No matter what storm, the sky would clear

People may judge and even look down on you
But these shouldn't be enough to make you blue
For amidst all these you have your supporters
They're always there; people who'll leave you never

Time will come when it's your time to shine
When failures have reached the end of the line
Embrace this moment, allow people to cheer
Especially those people that you hold dear

All those times when you were falling down
The spring of hope was readied without a frown
The more you fall, the more it turns out strong
Ready to push you to the top where you belong



1. look down on somebody

  • to think that you are better than someone

She believes that they look down on her because she lost heer job.

2. make somebody blue

  • to make somebody sad or unhappy

The death of her pet fish made her blue.

3. somebody's time to shine

  • somebody's time to be successful or popular

Do your best on that stage. It's your time to shine!

4. the end of the line

  • the point where somebody or something cannot continue

My feelings for you reached the end of the line. Let's end our relationship!

Thanks a lot for dropping by!
Love lots, @tegoshei

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