#parenting 6 Finger Foods for Babies

When this article was made in fact I just wanted to share with steemians friend, although this article is still very bad in vocabulary, does not necessarily make me discouraged in making the article. I still find it difficult when creating an article, not even rare 1 article can take days. The most difficult is when making the opening sentence.

6 Finger Foods for Babies.jpg
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This time I will discuss 6 Food Finger for Baby, I hope you all can add more about Finger Foods for Babies in the comments (I really appreciate it). Well, here are 6 Food Fingers that I often give to my baby :

1. Banana slices

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Bananas have a high calcium content so it is very good for baby's growth. Other than that, calcium in bananas is also very useful for baby bones that continue to grow and help the growth of baby teeth that began to appear.

2. Avocado slices

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Avocado is a good source of vitamin C and K and is needed for growth, and repair of body tissues. Avocado also contains folate and, potassium that helps regulate blood pressure. Other than that, Avocados also contain manganese that is involved in brain function and nerves as well as important for the baby's intestinal health.

Although avocado does not contain high iron, the content of folate, vitamin C, B6, and riboflavin owned avocado can help the absorption of iron, so the provision of avocado as a complementary food of milk can prevent anemia.

3. Cooked peas

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Besides tasty and safe for your baby, it turns out peas also contain protein that is very potential and beneficial to the health of the baby. Vitamins contained in peas: vitamin A, B1, B6, C, folate and, also contains magnesium, potassium, sodium, selenium, iron and, zinc, So... the conclusion is the cooked peas are very helpful growth and development of the baby.

4. Small, peeled peaches chunks

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Peaches are rich in essential nutrients such as antioxidants, minerals, and fiber. Peaches avoid the risk of cancer, Improve vision, Prevent stomach disorders, Effective in removing worms and, Good for skin health.

5. Cooked carrot slices

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Carrots include children's favorite foods, in addition to the bright color, it feels pretty sweet. Vitamin A in carrots keeps healthy skin and cells along the respiratory tract, the digestive system and urinary tract stay healthy (carrots prevent respiratory disease and diarrhea in infants).

6. Small tofu cubes

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The quality of protein in tofu is almost as large as meat and milk, tofu also has low saturated fat and cholesterol free. Each 100 gram of tofu contains about 6 to 10 grams of protein content that meets 18% of the body's need for protein (depending on the type of tofu, tofu solid that is more protein than to silk Tofu).

Maybe that's all I can share here, I hope you can advise or provide some additional advice about "Finger Food for Baby" and, thanks to all steemian friends for visiting my blog.

Regards, @syifauna


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