Explaining Az-Zarnuji's Model For Teaching Students

"Pedagogy is the art or science of teaching, of education, and of instructional methods." - Dictionary Definition

When studying the field of pedagogy there are numerous scholars and teachers who contribute useful models for those in the field of education to use to aid them in teaching students. One famous Muslim scholar who has contributed studies to the field of pedagogy is Shaykh Az-Zarnuji. He is most famous for his work on Instruction of the Student: The Method of Learning.

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Az-Zarnuji's Model For Teaching Students

When reading the work of Muslim scholars who specialize in studying education, there is a focus on topics about a teacher's status, their roles in the classroom, ethical behavior, and student obligations. From a Muslim perspective, pedagogy values the science behind teaching and how scientifically studying education and instructional methods can help teachers and students.

In Islamic culture a teacher not only teaches academic knowledge, but also has the status of being a moral and ethical role model for their students. To be a proper teacher and to fulfill their mission as an educator a teacher must have training in education but also in ethics. Teachers are mentors for their students and have a great influence over them.

According to Az-Zarnuji's Model, a teacher must have have three qualifications:

  1. They must be knowledgable to be able to educate their students.
  2. They must be religious to provide good morals and to be a good role model.
  3. They must be honorable and follow ethical behavior.

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Az-Zarnuji: The Importance of Being Ethical

Az-Zarnuji provides an extremely detailed model for teachers dealing with issues pertaining to ethical behavior. According to Az-Zarnuji, education is closely linked to peoples' behaviors and an ethical role model helps mold young minds to grow up to be good and honorable people. In other words, Az-Zarnuji believes that a teacher needs to be honorable and pure in their intentions while teaching students because Allah SWT wants teachers to share and teach their knowledge. Teaching is done by educators to share their knowledge about educational fields, but also to please Allah SWT in order to find truth and help students find truth for themselves.

Teachers performing their duties properly and with good intentions can be a powerful tool for the success of their students. When teachers aren't sincere and are not honorable then students may not have a good role model. Lack of a good role model can lead to problems in the classroom such as competition, envy, and teachers displaying fanatical views that influence children in negative ways.

Being A Good Mentor For Student Success

Mahmud Yunus said "The relationship of the teacher with the students must be like the father's relationship with his children. He must know the circumstances of each student and the tendency of his heart, where the weaknesses and how to treat it."

A good teacher is a mentor who can help weak students succeed and become better students. A good teacher is also able to correct negative or wrong behavior of pupils. Capable teachers are aware of the needs of all their students and are in a sense like their parents. Teachers should take care of their students and in return earn the love and respect of their students in the same way the students love and respect their own parents.

Teachers should be honest about the material they are teaching. If they don't know the answer to something then they should admit that they don't know. If a teacher realizes they have shortcomings then that educator should work hard to overcome their flaws and become a better person. Teachers should always seek more knowledge to continue learning. They should be teachers but also students.

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A Teacher's Personality Is Important

Az-Zarnuji explains that a teacher must have a good personality because they are a role model. Children follow their teacher's behaviors in the same way as they do their parents. According to Az-Zarnuji, a teacher should take care of those students who are shubhat (not clear yet). A teacher shouldn't laugh too much or talk about people in their absence. Good teachers must be tawadu (humble) and must never be arrogant. Bad attitudes will stop teachers from doing their jobs correctly and will not gain the respect of their students. By having a good attitude and positive personality, students will benefit from their teacher and will have a good role model to follow.

It is important for teachers to be kind and gentle when dealing with their students. Teachers who are mean or hard to approach may find their students lacking respect for them. When teachers are strict, insulting, or hard to approach, then students will avoid their teachers. Bad teachers can cause students to hate school and dislike learning. Children benefit from teachers who have good character and are open and honest with their students.

In Conclusion:

A teacher, according to Az-Zarnuji's model, is a person who is representative of both knowledge and moral and ethical behavior. Teachers are mentors and role models to their students. It is positive for teachers to be good people who display ethical treatment of their students because students learn how to behave from their role models like those in the field of education.

Az-Zarnuji, Ta’lim al-muta’allim
Mahmud Yunus, Sejarah Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: PT. Hidakarya Agung, 1992)

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