Hurrah! It's the first day in the month of February in the year 2018 and also my fifth month on this platform. Congratulations to me!! LOL

This morning I just want to share little tips that have helped me so far on this platform. I recommend this post to be read by Newbies and anyone who really wants to experience sporadic growth on this platform in terms of their payouts, upvotes and their rep scores as well.


Since the Steemit platform is one that encourages creativity as well as ingenuity, only quality content is really rewarded on the platform. I'm sure we are all aware that plagiarism and other copyright offences are frowned at on Steemit and thus, a direct consequence of that is FLAGGING which prevents you from accessing future layouts no matter how large. In this regards, there is a need to be careful so as not to shoot yourself in the leg.

To attract the attention of curators and whales, there must be originality and quality in your posts which could make the whale or curator to visit your blog periodically and hence reward you as you've proven to post only original and quality content.


Use Appropriate Tags

This is where most newbies miss it. I missed it too and I paid dearly for it trust me.
In any post you make, you must ensure that you tag it with tags that are directly related to your posts. One of the mistakes newbies most especially make when tagging posts is that they do not explore the tag options on Steemit before making a choice of the most appropriate one to use but rather, they pick up a tag from their head and attach it to their posts and as such, people don't get to see their posts not to talk of upvoting and rewarding them. Many at times, quality posts are not rewarded because of inappropriate tagging and other tagging issues.

Interact with fellow Steemians on the community

One mistake Newbies make is that they think success on this platform is just dependent on how much you post but that isn't entirely true. In Steemit, your upvote determines your rewards and as such interaction within the community will afford you the opportunity as a newbie to mingle with people especially people with huge steem power who will be able to upvote your posts and reward you well.

Fortunately, the Steemit platform has a feature called STEEM CHAT which helps members interact with one another. Newbies who are thinking about how to go about interacting can take advantage of this feature and leverage on it. Last week, I was able to connect with one of the foremost and most influential Steemians in Uyi by name @samstickkz and ever since then we've been communicating via STEEM chat and Whatsapp as well and believe you me, it has been awesome so far. I'm currently enjoying and reaping the dividends of interaction with fellow Steemit community members.


Know the time your audience is online

This is a serious issue newbies need to take note of. Most of them tend to post anytime and as such, no matter how good their post is, it doesn't get noticed as thousands of other posts come immediately after it and you easily get frustrated not knowing that your audience is very key.

Some people's audience are always online in the mornings while others are either in the afternoon or evenings and as such, there is a need to know when your audience logs in so as to ensure that your posts are seen and rewarded.

However, it doesn't happen like that all the time. For instance, last month, I made a post as early as 4am Nigerian time and I had a sizeable payout. I tried posting again at that same time but I didn't get as much payout as I got so therefore, there are always exceptions to these rules.


Know the kinds of posts that gives you the most rewards and stick with it

This is very vital to your success as a Steemian. Though the Steemit platform encourages versatility, there is a need to know the kinds of posts that gives you maximum rewards and then stick to it. If you creep into the blog of prominent Steemians like @ejemai @tojukaka @sweetsssj @gloglo you will come to realise that their posts usually revolve round a particular area of interest. For instance, @sweetsssj posts frequently on travel and photography and she is well known for it and as such she is usually well rewarded for doing that. Also, @tojukaka and @ejemai posts majorly on STEEMIT promotion and they get well rewarded for it. On the other hand, @gloglo posts regularly on motivation, family and women issues and her audience rewards her for it. So, this needs to be taken seriously if you desire to succeed on this platform.

Dont be afraid to upvote and comment on the posts of others especially well known Steemians

Most Newbies feel intimidated whenever they check the payouts and wallet of the big guns on this platform. I sometimes get intimidated too. Newbies most at times feel their voting power isn't much and as such, they do not bother to upvote people's posts as they think it will be insignificant. At a point, I felt like that too until I realize that even if 100% of my voting power gives $0.01, I could still comment and upvote the posts of others especially well known Steemians. This is a way of getting noticed and you never can tell which comment could earn you attention on the platform and consequently payout benefits.


Be Dogged

This is a mindset we all are to adopt if we are to move up the ranks even on the Steemit platform. As a Newbie, it is usually difficult to get upvotes. You'll agree with me on that. And thus, there is always a tendency to get frustrated and sometimes, this has led to the exit of many Newbies from the platform. But in this regards, I'll encourage you to keep on playing even when you are not yet seeing results because you never can tell the post can earn you your first huge payout. Be resilient, persevere and your efforts will be rewarded in no time. Little wonder common sayings like ***"Nothing good comes easy", "Rome want built in a day" and the likes.


I do hope that Newbies and other 'older' Steemians have been able to learn a whole lot via my post.

If you learnt something via this post, please feel free to comment and upvote.

Kind Regards,


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