Midges are small gray flying insects with a pair of wings which are very hairy and pigmented that looks like mosquitos.They appear to be more reddish after they have recently bite a human or a warm blooded animal.

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There are more than 4000 species of biting midges in the world. The smallest of these flies range from 1 to 3 millimetre Despite of the small size. midges bites can be very annoying and even cause reaction.

It's only the females midges that bite males midges feed on pollen and plant material.

Unfortunately for us and all the animals the female midges needs blood for their eggs and larvaes to develop properly.

Midges travel in large swarms and are mostly found in areas with dense undergrowth and and habitats that are marshy and wet.

For eggs and larvaes to develop properly females needs moist and wet areas.

Luckily for us, adults midges live only two to 7 weeks.

Carbon dioxide in our breath can be detected by midges from 200 m away. I also understand now for the first time why there was so much midges in my face while practicing.

A midge is so small that you won't see him bite you but only feel a sharp burning or
stinging sensation.When a midge bite you it often form a small lump, which will be very itchy and may develop fluid-filled blisters.

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The Culicoidesspecies which live in tropical climates are capable of spreading diseases like sweet itch. It is a disease that is very painful for a horse and it is also very frustrating for an owners to treat.

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Biting midges are extremely annoying but the good news is that none are known to transmit diseases to humans.
Biting midges also transmit the Blue Tongue virus.

If you want to protect yourself from annoying midges and nasty midge bites get your self a bottle of Mosi-guard Natural® it is an effective midge repellent.

Source and images: https://www.mosi-guard.com/articles/midge-bites-how-to-recognise-midges-treat-bites-and-avoid-both-altogether

Thank you for reading.

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