Chameleons: Our colourful world.

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In the 21st century you can find as many as 160 different species. Many of them can change their body colour usually to that of their surroundings. This also makes it quite hard to spot them. It has an interesting body which can hide itself from predators and sneak up on its prey.

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Their eyesight is also really good as they seem very well during the day and night time. They can spot their prey at a distance in any direction they choose because of their 360 Degrees eyesight that work independently. Chameleons have long tongue that capture their pray effectively. They usually go for larger insects and as well as small insects and vegetation.They can shoot out their tongue as long as twice their body length. The most interesting part is they can do it at breakneck speeds of 0.01 seconds. It's like more than 60 miles per hour.

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They also use their tails for balancing and their feet for the precise grip on the seemingly wet and narrow branches. Chameleons are exotic animals and usually eat anything that moves. They like grasshoppers , flies , butterflies, slugs , lettuces , waxworms and even their own kind at times when they have a scarce diet. They sometimes especially go for smaller geckos and lizards .These are usually bigger chameleons and the smaller ones usually go for small insects another interesting fact is that smaller chameleons have longer tongues than their bigger predecessors. Their habitat is quite normal we found them in tropical areas and in places such as trees and bushes and shrubs they are berea reptiles and they also come forth in subtropical desert and rainforest climate.

We get the smallest and the biggest ones in Madagascar. The small chameleons that is called the "pygmy leaf" grows only up to 3cm in length. The female of this specie lay two or four eggs.
To keep the eggs warm and save she digs a hole in the ground about 10cm.

The Malagasy giant chameleon is the most largest chameleon we get. The male of these species grows up to 70cm in length. These species can dig holes up to 30cm deep and can lay between 80 and 100 eggs. These Chameleons eggs takes from 4-12 months to hatch.

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We get the Jackson chameleon in East Africa it looks like a small dinosourus. It has three horns in front of its head. For me the one horn in the middle looks like a small rino horn and the other two horns looks like bull horns. The males are area-bound and will attack other males immediately.

This is the only specie that do not lay eggs. The female Jackson chameleon brings forth there off spring alive. Chameleons are not social animals and do not care about each other. After a female laid her eggs, she will immediately walk away and forget about the little ones.

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The Covered-chameleons are less vigorous than others. They are the only specie that eat plants while other chameleon eat insects.
If you like to buy a chameleon as a pet the covered chameleon from Yemen is the best option.

Calcium is very important for chameleons before feeding it throw calcium powder over the insects.

When you decided to buy one get one that is still very young.

sources: https//

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