Developing the creativity of children in classes | Board (Game) - TUTORIAL


Hello Steemains! Welcome!, Creativity is an innate trait in all people, in children it can be stimulated in numerous ways, but one of the most effective is through play. Today we will learn to make a funny board, practical and simple develop, so I invite you to enjoy this proposal where the little ones can go, little by little, developing ingenuity and approach the artistic work accompanied by their classroom teachers and parents.

What are they waiting for?

Depending on the number of dice o craps, the player will advance through the board, whoever arrives first at the church wins.



  • Markers.
  • Rule.
  • Brushes
  • Vinyl glue.
  • Water-based paints, non-toxic.
  • Foamy or EVA rubber of various colors.
  • Scissors and/or cutting (cutter).
  • Hot silicone applicator.


Step 1. Cut the board following the mold (Figure 1) in foamy or cardboard. It is recommended to bend the foam to obtain two pieces of board.

Step 2. Cut out two molds of the landscape (Figure 2) in foamy or cardboard.

Step 3. Define the squares on the board, using a marker and ruler.

Step 4. Glue the landscape (Figure 2) on the ends of the board.

Step 5. Cut out the parts of the dolls following the mold (Figures 3,4 and 5). Define eyes and mouth with the marker and then paste its parts using vinyl glue or silicone.

Step 6. Cut the die following the mold (Figure 6), define the folds and glue the fins to form the die.

Step 7. Decorate and define the numbers with the marker.

Step 8.Finally, paste and decorate the landscape.

Ideas and more ideas.

Replace the church with a school or a park and have more fun your journey. You can use cardboard instead of foamy to have a more resistant board.


Board (Game)

Creativity is a capacity that we all have, developing this ability in children through play is a way to enhance their learning and development. Being creative helps children find different solutions to the same problem. All children and young people like to do manual work, especially when other family members or teachers participate in their creations. With this fun series of steps, children (accompanied and guided by their elders), will learn to develop their skills and thoughts and, in turn, use this amazing board for their fun. In addition, they will be taught to work in an organized manner, allowing them to expand their technique of concentration and observation to help them understand their environment.

Thank you for accompanying me in the transformation of these materials to turn them into a magical board, ideal to encourage children in their development. Through this type of games, children can shape what they think, taking part of their creative side. With this fantastic exercise, you can have a good time with the little ones of the house, help you in your physical and mental development, perfect for the development of children's creativity.



"Creativity helps the child find different solutions to the same problem."

Sara Campero Barnners.gif


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