hydroponic plants, plants without the use of soil media

Haii stemiaan, back again with me, this time I will share my new knowledge learned, namely how to grow hydroponic, and what are the benefits and advantages we get from planting crops.

jenis-jenis tanaman yang bisa ditanam secara hidroponik.jpg


I want to tell you guys about the sense of hydroponic plants themselves. So etymologically the word hydroponics comes from the language of Greece consists of two words. I.e. hydro and ponos. Hydro meaning water and ponos meaning labor.



So when these two words merged hydroponics have meaning that is the technique of cultivation by utilizing water and do not use the soil (humus) as a medium for planting or soilles.

So when we grow with hydroponics system that is an environmentally friendly method. Because of its cultivation in the US do not have to use pesticides or even toxic herbicides. And though it's hydroponic systems use water as a medium of his planting, but in practice the water needed in farming is not as much as cultivated with conventional means. And in her treatment we also don't have to do any watering regularly. So this becomes a factor why its vegetation results safer and healthier.

A variety of hydroponic

As for the various hydroponic plant is :

• Static solution culture (kultur air statis)
• Continuous-flow solution culture, contoh : NFT (Nutrient Film Technique),DFT (Deep Flow Technique)
• Aeroponics
• Passive sub-irrigation
• Ebb and flow atau flood and drain sub-irrigation
• Run to waste
• Deep water culture
• Bubbleponics
• Bioponic

Advantages of hydroponic plants

as for the benefits and advantages that we get if we grow hydroponic manner is :

  1. Do not use the soil, suitable for you who do not have land or yard House
  2. air circulation can be used for other purposes such as aquariums
  3. Pemberikan nutrients more easily and efficiently
  4. Relatively no pollution nutrients in the environment
  5. Results are more and a maximum
  6. Harvesting the fruits and vegetable horticulture is very easy, just pick
  7. Certain sterile and clean
  8. The plant is free from plant bully
  9. the growing Medium can be used many years
  10. plants can thrive and grow quickly

and here's one example of how to grow hydroponic I plant in my house.








  1. https://berkahkhair.com/
  2. https://id.wikipedia.org/
  3. http://www.berberita.com/


Best Regard @omarabdi

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