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To achieve a goal that we want to achieve, we must set the steps or methods in implementing that aims to facilitate us to achieve these goals. and also the same thing in education, where a teacher must have some method or way of teaching in order to facilitate him in transferring knowledge to students.
Teaching and learning activities will give the interaction between the teacher and the students, the teacher consciously trying to make the learning environment passionate for the students. With some theories and experiences, besides that he also must prepare the teaching program well and systematically.
One effort that never teachers leave is how to understand the position of the method as one of the components that determine success for teaching and learning activities. Such frame of mind is a real effort by the teacher. In this article, the author wants to explain how the position of methods in teaching.
From several analyzes that the author has done, that there are at least three positioning methods in teaching, namely as a tool of motivation, as a teaching strategy, and as a means to achieve goals. Here is the explanation:
1. Method as a motivational tool
As one of the teaching component, the method has an important role from other components in teaching and learning process. None of the teaching and learning activities do not use teaching methods. This means that the teacher understands the correct position of the method as a motivational tool in teaching and learning activities. Extrinsic motivation according to Sardiman A.M. (1988: 90) are the motives that are active and functioning because of the stimuli from the outside. Therefore, the method serves as an external stimulant that can generate a person's learning.
In teaching, teachers rarely use one method, because they realize that all methods have their kindness and weaknesses. The use of one method is more likely to result in tedious teaching and learning activities for students.
2. Method as a teaching strategy
In teaching and learning activities not all students are able to concentrate in a relatively long time. Respiration of students to the material given also vary, some are fast, some are, and some are slow. Factors intelligence affects the ability of students to absorb the lesson material provided by the teacher. Rapid acceptance of students to the subject matter requires different time delivery, so that full mastery can be achieved.
Therefore, in teaching and learning activities according to Dra Roestiyah N.K (1989: 1), teachers must have a strategy so that students can learn effectively and efficiently, on the expected goals. One step to having that strategy is having to master presentation techniques or usually called teaching methods. Thus, teaching method is a teaching strategy as a tool to achieve the expected goals.

3. Method as a tool to achieve goals
Purpose is an ideal that will be achieved in teaching and learning activities. Teachers can not bring teaching and learning activities at will and ignore the goals that have been formulated. It is the same meaningless deeds. Uneducated teaching and learning activities go to the market without purpose, making it difficult to select which activities to do and which ones to ignore in order to achieve the desired desires.
The purpose of teaching and learning activities will never be achieved as long as other components are not needed. One is the method component. The method is one of the tools to achieve the goal by using the method accurately, the teacher will be able to achieve the purpose of teaching. The method is the path of instruction to the destination. When objectives are formulated so that students have certain skills, then the methods used should be tailored to the objectives. Between methods and goals do not contradict. This means the method should support the achievement of teaching objectives. If not, it will be futile formulation of the goal. What is the meaning of teaching and learning activities conducted without regard to the purpose.




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