Should students must be self-confident????



Confidence is an act to courage for performing an attitude, potential and the behavior that exists within us to show it to the person with the purpose of influencing their thinking towards us. The confidence will differents with the others, but the principle of self-confidence is the same in every person's understanding of us.
Confidence will arise when we understand ourselves. Understanding yourself is how we think, feel, and behave. Sometimes, understanding yourself is not a factor to be a self-confident, this is caused by other factors, such as caused of the environment and friends.
Remembering how importance of self-confidence in the of education, then a teacher is required to teach students to be self- confidence in teaching and learning process in school. This causes students to be able to show what they get rather than science to their friends.
Sometimes, a teacher does not yet understand the way how to teach the students to be self-confident when learning with his friends.
So in this article, the author will explain some ways to foster self-confidence for students, this is done by teachers in the school.
1. Identify the character of the student


Character is a reflection of the student's personality that appears when he speaks and acts. Character between one student will be different denagan other students. For example in a local there are 20 students, then there will be 20 different characters. This will cause the teacher to feel tired in dealing with these students. Therefore, a teacher must understand all of their characters, so to teach self-confidence to students is not constrained. If a child is already known to his character, then easily we ask him to appear in front of his friends in accordance with their potential, talents and interests, for example there are children who like to sing then we tell him to sing in order to grow the confidence.
2. Appreciate their efforts

When the student has displayed her talents and potentials in front of his friends, for example he has been singing, or telling a story, then the teacher is obliged to give applause to him and praises him with good words, even though she has not been able to sing, these wors such as "your voice is very good, you fit to be a singer, "or with other words that can suggest him to appear again.
3. Make approach with child
The closeness of a student with his teacher is a very important part in growing his confidence, because he thinks that there are people who are always with him and keep motivating him so he will become a confident student.
The conclusion: that self-confident is quite important for child in his growth to be the active child and always spread the goodness for his friends. Some research said ; the self-confident child is smarter and even jeniouse than pessimis child.

(teacher n educator)


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