What I would teach if given Rope, Candle and flower

Teaching is a very interesting occupation and it gets even better when your students comprehend the subjects topic. Now getting the students to comprehend is another task itself. Education is evolving and so it requires some objects to make students understand certain topics. On today's assignment, I would be talking about what I would teach if given rope,candle and flowers.



When I think of a rope, the next thing that comes to my mind is tug of war. Tug of war is a very popular and healthy sport among children. It is a sport performed by two parties. One party pulls the end of the rope and another party pulls the other end. The aim of the game is to pull the other party towards you and over a set line. These game is used to show strength. Tug of war is game that shows spirit of teamwork and togetherness to achieve common goals.



The use of candles is for light. There is saying "Burn the midnight candle" which literally means read and hardwork. If given a candle, I will teach the essence of hardwork in life and studying to make good grades. Also, I will teach how to make homemade candles.



Flowers are essential in the reproduction of plants in a process called Pollination. Pollination is a process of carrying pollen grains from the male anther of flowering plants to the female stigma. Flowers help in production of seeds in a plant.
Flowers are very beautiful parts of a plant and it it associated with so many things like marriages and funerals. Flowers are used primarily to show love.

This is steemiteducation homework for the day

Images: Pixabay


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