Benefits of breastfeeding

Exclusive breastfeeding according to the World Health Organization


means that the child receives only breast milk (including expressed or suckling milk) during the first 6 months of life, and no other food or drink, not even water, except for oral rehydration salts, drops and syrups (vitamins, minerals and medications).

In order for mothers to initiate and maintain exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, WHO and UNICEF recommend:

• Breastfeeding should begin in the first hour of life;
• The infant should only receive breast milk, without any other food or drink, not even water;
• Breastfeeding should be done on demand, that is, as often as the child wants, both day and night;
• You should not use bottles, teats or pacifiers.

Benefits of breastfeeding

For the Baby

• Breast milk contains all the nutrients that the baby needs during the first 6 months of life, adapts to the nutritional needs of the infant, contains lipids that represent its main source of energy, since they provide triglycerides, essential fatty acids essential for the growth and development of the brain, retina and auditory centers, and also fulfills structural functions of the cell membrane and synthesis of prostaglandins

• Protects your immune system, contains antibodies that help keep your baby from getting sick. Protecting against colds, meningitis, otitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia or diarrhea among some diseases and is that its effects do not occur only during the breastfeeding period, but it has been shown that it can protect adults in the long term from allergies, obesity, colitis , some cancers or asthma.

• Less risk of asthma and allergies, its effects do not occur only during the breastfeeding period, but it has been shown that it can protect adults in the long term from allergies, obesity, colitis, some cancers or asthma.

• It is easier to digest than breast milk, casein forms curds of soft consistency in the stomach and is assimilated more quickly, in addition the presence of lactose throughout the small intestine favors intestinal transit, with more liquid and acid stools, which contain reducing bodies that prevent constipation and diaper rash

• Lower risk of dehydration, the amount of water in breast milk is 87%, so the breastfed baby does not need complementary water and has less renal overload.

• Creates a bond between mother and child, providing a sense of well-being and security, which is the first social experience of her life, thus empowering her with adequate self-esteem and emotional intelligence for life, as well as attention and protection maternal

• It has many other advantages since nature is perfect.


Benefits for the mother

  • A unique bond is established between the mother and her baby, when breastfeeding endorphins are secreted that reach a maximum peak 20 minutes after the start of lactation, causing pleasurable sensations in the mother. The baby is also rewarded, because it is transferred through the milk, creating a very special bond (attachment).

  • Loss of weight, increases the production of prolactin, which facilitates the activity of lipoprotein lipase in the mammary gland and inhibits it in the subcutaneous cellular tissue, decreasing the deposit of adipose tissue, conditioning in women a recovery of weight prior to pregnancy more quickly, with a hip decrease of approximately 4% to 6% in the first six months

  • Will reduce the risk of diseases, anemia, hypertension and even suffer less postpartum depression. Studies show that women who have breastfed their children have a lower risk of breast and ovarian cancer and osteoporosis.

  • Saving time, It gives the mother comfort, because she does not have to prepare or sterilize bottles, especially when she works or travels. The milk produced by the mother does not need any elaboration process, nor packaging, nor transport.

  • Economic savings, not investing large amounts of money per year in artificial milk, bottles, bottle warmers, special cleaners or the energy needed to sterilize all the baby's material.


My experience of 6 months with exclusive breastfeeding, at the beginning was very difficult because as a new mom I had many doubts and fears that I did not feed my baby enough and over time the fears were passed, as my baby grew up strong and healthy and is that the chest has been the perfect ally if my baby cries breastfeeding calm, If my baby is hungry breastfeeding feeds her, If my baby is sleepy breastfeeding relaxes her, If my baby hurts something the Breastfeeding heals her. Here I leave a picture of my baby !

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