The High School classroom: Encouraging participation.

Spontaneous participation of our students during class depends on many factors. However, maximizing the experience is in our hands, invigorating the class, making it more than a lesson taught, an opportunity to hear from our students their opinions, knowledge and experiences.

Moreover, this is what is achieved when the class is participatory. That the teacher is not only a simple class donor, knowledge provider, but a person who promotes communication with their students, discussion, generation of ideas and interest in what the teacher wants to convey.


There are many recommendations that can be given in this regard. I will mention some of them:

  • Present an attractive class. No matter the subject you are teaching, if there is an adequate dedication to the previous preparation of the class, you can achieve motivation to participate and even brainstorm. Of course, the topic to be discussed also influences, but it is about looking for the connection between what students think and the subject that is going to be given.

  • Link the seen matter with daily experiences. For example, if we are going to learn about minerals, the students will probably not know their composition, hardness, streak, crystalline structure, but it is possible that they know many minerals of daily use and their usefulness, colors, type of brightness and even localization. All this prior knowledge serves as basis for an interactive class.

  • Allow students to intervene in the organization of the class. It is important to listen to the ideas students can contribute with, regarding the way in which the class is developed, organization of activities, evaluating, etc. This way, they know the teacher listens and take into account their ideas, and feel confidence to participate in class

  • Ask specific questions. The right questions can direct the participation in class towards the achievement of the proposed objectives, allowing the conversation to be productive and not divert the subject. Sometimes, despite the enthusiasm shown by students, if conversation branches off and does not help advance in the subject, then the goal is not achieved.


  • Show interest in the interventions of each student. For each of them, is important to be listened. Even if their intervention does not provide elements that directly help the development of the class, show a listening and interested attitude. It is also important, at the end of each intervention, to congratulate or thank the student for his contribution, whether it is significant or not. It is important to take into account that in adolescence it is even more difficult for shy students to participate, because of either grief or fear of receiving some kind of mockery. Every participation must be appreciated and taken into account.

  • Create playful activities to make the class more attractive and motivate them to intervene and comment. The quantity and quality of games organized within the classroom to encourage participation and healthy competition depend on the subject and the specific topic to be addressed. Experience, class planning and enthusiasm will help you generate ideas that allow including some activity that make the class dynamic.

  • Organize teamwork within the classroom. Working in groups with their classmates will give each student greater confidence to feel motivated to participate and generate ideas.

Participation and motivation come together, and is our job as teachers to promote them in order to make our classes extraordinary, and our students’ learning experience, last forever.

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