Not Just a Place to Learn



The sound of the bell does sound wonderful. But the sound of this one bell is always considered a 'threat'. Yup. School bells. Scary indeed. Boring of course. That is the problem of schoolchildren in modern times as it is today. I wonder why they think that way. Always think school is boring. Even some only make the school as a means of 'ride'. That is, they only think of school as a hallmark of their social status. Like Sefina. My beautiful, beautiful neighbor only sees the school as a proof of her social status. The reason, he went to school in one of the top schools in Jakarta. His uniforms were impressed 'high quality', the bags he wore famous brand, his shoes even up his socks were all well-known brand. And of course, EXPENSIVE! Forgive me. What's the purpose of going to school for that? Absolutely wrong.

Other Sefina, other Atikah. My friend this one is a school with me. He's pretty close to me. Oh yes. She is one of the girls 'coquettish' tablets. Do not believe? The reason I say like this is based on facts. I'm not slander loh ya. You see, he thinks about going to school worse than Sefina. Want to hear? Gini. He said, "Alah, I'm in school Mama Papa's just a prestige aja. The rest I still ignore tuh. The youth is emang so. The school is important. But play is more important. Especially nyari cute guy, tajir again. Happy happy my youth. "Duuh ... This bener loh ya. Continue to you, what words Atikah deserve? I'm not. Obviously. His goal to school just want to play games, just prestige aja. Same thing loh ... Nyari guy. Ouch! Is it the school where the dating agency is?

While many friends of my temen guys who have the notion of not losing WOW equally the assumptions-Sefina and Atikah. They say it gini, "The important thing can be gathered together with my friends. Ngerok * k together, chatting together, fun fun together. Dating. That's what matters. " What is a viewer bad? They say the school is just a place for get-togethers, slang, same dating plus style-style. Hasemelew. I'm confused. I'm sure, out there there are many schoolchildren who have other assumptions about school that certainly not lost 'severe'.

Buddy! In the past, when Indonesia colonized many of the nation's children who want to study to school. Giving knowledge as well as possible for the progress of this Country. They are willing to risk his life for school. They do not want to be a poor person. Although indeed, many of the people of the people of Indonesia past which can not go to school. Because of the problem you you know. Well, that used to be. Past. Another case with now. Today. Technology is getting advanced, nothing is fast and easy. To the school is easy without any obstacles like the old days. Everyone can go to school. but what happened? Students today complain, lazy males. Do not make school. And all is easy.

Although the length of school is sometimes boring, but the sciences that lined up for us absorb will change the duration that we consider long it becomes short when we serious and earnest in learning. Indeed, science is not going to be hard to carry around. If we are not too familiar with the lessons that 'seabreg'. We can kok tetep spirit, assure wrote that God exists and always help his people. Because I also know, not all students are able nguasain many subjects. Me, too. But, if we tetep spirit, and make sure our main purpose aja to what the school, then God will facilitate our way to make science.

Come on! His learning spirit. Do not just play games. Do not just show off the show off. Do not just dating boyfriends. The school was briefly the original tablet. Just aja wrote too much lazy to complain so it feels long. Remember yes! Inget aja, parents are hard-earned money in a noble way and slam bones for the sake of our school. If we do not bener school, that's a sign we've ngecewain and ngekhianati our parents who've worked hard for our future. Hence, the serious school. Spirit! Make our parents proud. They will be proud really even though your value value is not too WOW.

But as long as you are honest lucky school, surely the happiness of your parents always embrace your ability in school. Trust me. Play, slang, dating it's okay aja. Everybody's right. But, that's all there is. Do not disatuin in school. Pity loh ilmunya dicampurin same time things like that. I'm not a clever person. But I just can be passionate and serious in school also encourage others. Come On Students! Start now earnestly. The future there is waiting for us. Make yourself a quality and positive light.

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